Search and Do Not Destroy

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Last time on Total Drama Island...

The teams were dissolved, leaving each and every camper to look out for number one. And just to add a little more drama to the mix, Izzy and Eva returned for more fun! The campers remained to suffer all manner of abuse in the No Pain, No Game Challenge! In an act of chivalry, Geoff stepped up to save his girl from the perils of the leech barrel. And in a death display of log rolling, a grizzly got a piranha haircut, winning Leshawna invincibility. Now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves, who will be selfless? Who will be selfish? And who will eat shellfish? Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!

I sat outside the cabins, deep in thought. All these years of my mother picturing my father as the bad guy, my brother and I unable to truly decide what was going on. All this time, and my father was inches from my fingers. Had he been looking for us? Had he been trying to fight my mother to have us? I rested my head in my hands, watching the sun slowly rise up over the water. These questions swirled in my head, making it ache.

"[Y/N]! You're up early." Bridgette exclaimed, stretching her arms over her head. I smiled briefly at her, turning my head back to the water.

"Bridgette, can I ask you a question?" The girl took a seat beside me, nodding.

"If you had the chance to find your dad, who may be on this island, but you know that you're risking your relationship with your mother, would you try to find him?" I asked, and I could see from her face that she was surprised.

"I'm going to assume you're not asking for a friend." She stated, and I laughed slightly.

"Go for it, [Y/N]. Your mother will have to understand. After all, you've gone so long without seeing him, or knowing him, for that matter. You deserve at least a chance to meet him." She suggested, and I nodded at the surfer. Bridgette was right, even if I just met him once, I needed to know for certain.

"Thanks, Bridge. I really needed that." I stated, and she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"No problem. Now onto the second subject, how are things with Duncan?" She smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Not this again." I laughed, seeing her laugh along.

"Hey! Just think! When this is all over, we could go on double dates! How fun would that be?" She asked, and I gave her a look of disgust.

"Too soon?" She asked, and I nodded, a smile still plastering my face. It was moments like these that I didn't feel stressed, worried, anything. A crash was heard in the distance, and a crackling sound roamed the camp while the speakers began readying themselves.

"Arr, maties! Meet me at the amphitheatre in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!" Bridgette and I shared a look.

"That was a pirate voice. A pathetic, sad pirate voice. Wonder what's in store for today?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"We can only hope we aren't being shot out of a cannon," Bridgette stated, and we erupted into a fit of laughter once more.

Sitting on the benches in front of the amphitheatre, I saw a dressed-up Chris on the stage. He wore a pirate get-up, complimenting his voice from earlier. I groaned, rubbing my temples.

"Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?" Chris spoke in a broken pirate accent, and the rest of us were silent.

"Geez, Chris. Is this what you have to do for ratings now?" I asked, hearing a few laughs.

"So [Y/N] gets a reaction, and you all don't see the coolness I'm emitting?" Chris asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Calm down, captain. Anyway, what's the challenge?" I asked, watching his eyes light up as he remembered his words.

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