Who Can You Trust?

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Been a hot minute, right? In order to help shed light on this global pandemic, enjoy a Duncan-filled chapter! A

Last time on Total Drama Island...

Things really got cooking between the campers. Heather pushed Leshawna too far in the cook-off challenge and ended up one chilly mama. Owen had a hard day. [Y/N] and Courtney had a cook-tastrophe in the kitchen, the two heating up a big feud. Geoff led the Killer Bass to victory. And the Screaming Gophers got to the bottom of their losing streak. It was buh-bye, Beth. Have the Gophers broken the curse? And just how much trust do they have in one another? Find out this week on Total. Drama. Island!

"You know, this mush really doesn't look edible." Harold swallowed hard, looking at the goopy casserole in front of him. I eyed my own breakfast, immediately removing my gaze in order to not make myself sick.

"Dunno, man, this Italian-Hawaiian food is awesome!" Geoff grinned, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. Bridgette and I looked at him in disgust.

"Hey, where's Duncan and Courtney?" My attention focused on DJ's question, and I scanned the room. It had been a quiet day since the last challenge. Duncan and I had returned on mutual terms, but I still felt a bit sore about him telling Courtney.

Courtney. After my outburst, she'd avoided me ever since. I had noticed a sneaky glare my way once or twice, but she refused to speak to me, even trying to sneak into the other girl's cabin in order to not be in the same sleeping space as me. My [E/C] orbs landed on a heated discussion between the pair. Duncan seemed relaxed, while Miss. CIT was heated. I rose a brow, watching as Coutney stormed out of the breakfast hall with a distaste look on her face.

"You done snooping, princess?" I blinked, looking up to the delinquent now standing in front of me.

"Kinda hard not to snoop when Courtney storms out. She's loud at that." Duncan laughed, and I smiled. I still hadn't concluded what we were. At this point, it was kind of like a game. We'd flirt, make a few comments, one of us would make a move, and then it returned back to a regular friendship. It messed with me like crazy.

"You're staring again. I know I'm hot, but geez." Duncan smirked, and I rolled my eyes, turning back to the table where the team sat.

"Keep dreaming, Juvie."

After eating the non-editable goop, we'd made our way to the dock, greeted by the ever-so-lovely host. But something seemed off about him. Either it was just the trick of the light, or it looked like he'd been crying. There was a slight puffiness to his eyes, however from what it looked like, the producers had tried to clean it up. I studied his face, unsure as to why I was so invested in Chris crying. After all, he'd put us through so much, why should I care?

" So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues." I glanced to the Gophers, and I could see Heather shooting death glares at practically her whole team, mainly Leshawna and Gwen.

"And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too." I shot a quick glance at Courtney, and I swore I could see her sneer at me. I dropped my gaze to the ground, standing slightly closer to Bridgette. She bumped my shoulder, sending me a smile.

"So, this week's challenge is going to be centred around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust." Chris perked up, and I crossed my arms in frustration. 'Trust'. At this time, that word didn't seem so suitable.

"There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time! More fun for me!" I exhaled hard, biting my lip. If I knew anything about Chris, I'd be paired up with Courtney, Duncan, or in worst case, both.

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