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  That night, I couldn't sleep. Whether it be the lack of sleep prior, or the racing thoughts circulating in my mind. What was that trailer for? Who was that girl? Why are my emotions completely out of whack? Things just kept getting more interesting by the second here, and nothing seemed to slow down. I rolled onto my side, trying not to wake the girls around me. My mind wandered to Duncan. Did I have feelings for the guy? It had only been a few days, surely I hadn't been sucked in already, had I?

I forced my body to move as the sunlight streamed in from the cabin window. In all honesty, I felt like crap. My muscles were stiff, my eyes were burning, and I felt completely unfunctional. From the bunk above me, I heard Courtney mutter,

"Turn it off..". It made me chuckle. Looks like Miss. CIT was finally feeling it like the rest of us. Yawning uncontrollably, I grabbed my black denim shorts and a white and [F/C] striped shirt. I was not in the mood to bother dressing up, and if I'd had it my way, I'd be walking around in my pyjamas twenty-four seven. Opening the door, I exited the cabin. A voice made me jump slightly.

"Morning, [Y/N]." I looked to find Geoff, rubbing his eyes. I laughed softly, careful not to wake any of the other girls up.

"Morning, Geoff. You don't look too bad, considering you fell within the first couple of days into the challenge." He shrugged, looking over to me.

"True. I could look like you." I plastered a hurt face, before hitting his arm.

"Rude," I smirked, beginning to head to the showers. I thought about turning back to ask him about Duncan, but what would Geoff know? Duncan had to be one of the most secretive people on the planet. I was certain that Geoff wouldn't know anything.

I sat at the Killer Bass table, my eyelids drooping. Getting no sleep last night had officially taken a toll on me. I could feel the deep, dark bags under my eyes, threatening to force my eyes to close.

"Duncan. You look like crap." Chris stated, the amusement in his voice clear.

"Stuff it." The delinquent exclaimed, taking a seat next to me. I gave him a sympathetic smile, letting him know he wasn't the only one who had suffered. He perked up a bit, shooting me a broad grin. Chris came over to the two of us, laughing.

"Wow, four nights with no sleep for the both of you? That's gold. How much are you two hurting?" I grabbed the fork on the table, pointing it in his direction.

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask, raising my brow. Chris simply smiled, before ignoring me to speak to the others. Before he can start, Harold busted in. If I hadn't already been able to sleep last night, Harold didn't make things any easier. Resting my head on the table, I was met with blue eyes gazing at me.

"What?" I mouthed, frowning. He shrugged, crossing his arms and smirking. I rolled my eyes, but my smile didn't falter. Damn, something was wrong with me

Standing on the court, I felt even more sluggish than I first had. As Chris droned on about the rules of the game, I could barely focus. My eyelids felt like bricks, feeling like they were planning on dropping to the ground. I rubbed my face, trying to get some blood circulating. As Chris left us to determine our teams, Duncan immediately jumped in.

"[Y/N] and I are going back to sleep. Wake us up, and it'll be the last thing you all do." Grabbing my arm, he pulled me over to our team bench.

"Excuse me, but I actually want to contribute to my team." I shook my arm, letting it fall out of his grasp. He laughed, sitting back and rolling his eyes.

"Oh, really? How can you help when you can barely keep your eyes open, princess?" The male smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I state, going to sit as far away from him as possible. A yawn escaped my mouth, with Duncan letting out a chuckle.

Totally Dramatic (Duncan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now