The Sucky Outdoors

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 "Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive." Chris smirked at the reactions. I rolled my eyes. Dramatic much?

"Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility! Well, off you go!" I began to praise my clothing choice. Black leggings and a [F/C] sweater. Lest I wouldn't freeze to death, but there were numerous ways. Chris throws a map and compass to Duncan, who barely has time to comprehend what he was holding, before Courtney came in and snatched it from him. To my surprise, he didn't complain, nor provide a snarky remark. I raised my brow, eyeing him. What had happened between the two last night?

I walked with Bridgette, her admiring all of the scenery. I nodded to her words, my mind spaced out. I was trying to see if I could recall any of the words that were exchanged between the two last night. They'd been angry, that I was sure of. They had been loud enough to hear from the cabin, but the walls had muffled any proper sounds. I sighed, before glancing over to Duncan. He was walking near DJ and Geoff, although didn't seem to be interested in their conversation. I took my shot; maybe he'd tell me.

"Bridge, I'll be back," I say, watching as she nodded in acknowledgment. I sped up my pace, matching his with a few easy strides.

"Hey!" I chirped, watching as he didn't bother to glance over to acknowledge me.

"Hi," He replied, a bored monotone covering his voice. I raised my brow, scanning his face.

"You done staring, princess, or are you gonna go back to your friend?" He asked, finally bothering to glance in my direction. It was as if he was playing a poker face; he was unreadable. Deep in my heart, I felt that string of sadness again, and for a different reason.

"Yeah... Bye..." I say, quickly retreating back to Bridgette. She could tell something was up with me, and even though I prayed that she'd leave it be, she was quick to jump on the matter.

"Hey, [Y/N], are you okay?" She asked, looking over at me, concerned. I thought about it for a moment. No, I was not okay. The guy who I thought was my friend, or maybe even something more, was now turning his back on me? Suddenly, the sadness was replaced with anger. Typical. I should've known something like that would happen. I forced a smile.

"Oh, you know, same old Duncan." I shrugged the matter off, focusing my attention back to the surrounding area.

I stood to the far edge of the group, resting my back against a tree. At this point, I just wanted to go back to the cabins, and find myself a nice, quiet corner to hide in. But this is a reality show, and I'm not going to get my privacy. Then it hit me. Reality shows were all about drama, so maybe Duncan had been playing off for the cameras? Who knows, he could've planned to befriend me, expose my weakness, and then have that as a lingering threat on me? I glared in his direction, before deeply sighing. No, he wouldn't. I was overthinking, a task in which I was amazing at doing. I saw Courtney and Duncan in a heated discussion, and I began to question what was happening. Before I could think of the matter any more, I noticed Geoff and Bridgette.

"Wow. You pitch a tent like a guy!" Geoff seemed to be admiring her, but with all the wrong words.

"I mean, you're not all girly about gettin' dirty and stuff." I stuffed a laugh, biting on my lip as a smile formed. This guy really did need some serious help. I saw DJ running in, a small creature in his arms.

"Hey guys, look what I found!" He smiled, displaying the small animal. I rushed over, giving the little rabbit a scratch on the head.

"Aw, look at him!" I smiled, DJ and I completely absorbed by the small rabbit. Duncan wandered over, a smirk forming.

Totally Dramatic (Duncan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now