Up The Creek

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"You need to leave."

The voice echoed down the hall, the small child peering out from her room. It was dark, with minimum light emitting from the room far down the corridor.

"Please, don't do this. She's my child too."

The little girl held her breath, creeping down to the room. The door was ajar, figures moving around.

"She's my child. You don't deserve her."

The girl tripped on her own feet, causing the audible 'thump' to distribute around the hall. One of the figures rushed out of the room, a brow raised.

"Come on, [Y/N]. It's late. I'll tuck you back into bed."

I laid on the bunk, continuous thoughts racing through my mind. I let out a groan, grabbing my pillow and shoving it over my head, blocking out the world. Why were things so complicated? Why were boys so complicated? How long would I stay here? What if I did something wrong? The questions continued to bombard me, making my heart quicken. I muffled another groan into my pillow, throwing it onto the wooden floor. I rolled onto my stomach, ignoring the uncomfortable press on my ribs. These beds were definitely not built for comfort. I looked to the window, the gray haze of light starting to drift on in. I'd barely slept over an hour. Most of the night was tossing, turning, and a lot of thinking. Once more, he appeared in my mind, causing me to heat up.


That god damn kid. That god damn mohawk. How was I supposed to concentrate on winning when I had these stupid feelings nesting deep inside of me? Every time I saw him, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Yesterday had officially confirmed my budding feelings. Once he'd gone to his cabin, I just stood there, trying to process everything. Did he like me back? Since when did I care about boys? I hadn't felt this way in a long time. I hated it. I pressed my face into the mattress, exhaling in frustration. The worst about this whole scenario? If he didn't like me back, and I thought otherwise, things would go horribly wrong. I shifted again, curled on my side. Fatigue crept up, and my lids went heavy.

"[Y/N]?... [Y/N].... [Y/N]!"

I jumped up, sitting upright in a matter of seconds. Courtney giggled, sending me a look. I looked back at her, nothing registering on my face.

"Might wanna hurry, or you'll miss the challenge." With that, she headed out, leaving me in a state of confusion. Either it was the lack of sleep making me delusional, or was Courtney being nice to me just now? I was in for one hell of a day if it was the latter.

I'd arrived at the beach just as Chris finished explaining the challenge. Several people glanced my way, facial expressions differentiating. Brigette was giving me a friendly smile, Geoff was smirking, and Duncan seemed to look down at the ground, face flushed. Before I could speak, Chris jumped on in.

"Tsk, [Y/N], now I gotta drone on about the challenge all over again." Groans were heard, and I shot the host a glare.

"Don't mess with me this early, McLean. I haven't even gotten in my "sarcastic remark directly at Chris" yet." Chris sent a smirk, with a few other campers laughing. Taking a seat between DJ and Harold, I glanced to the host.


"As I was saying, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle." I rose a brow, glancing out at the water. It didn't exactly look canoe-able, but hey, who was I to complain?

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