Paintball Deer Hunt

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  Helicopter blades twirling filled my ears, and I let out a long groan.

"Chris! Shut up!" I yelled, pulling my covers over my head. All I wanted was just a few hours of sleep, three at the most! Rolling my eyes, I sat up, glaring at anything in sight.

"Woah, girl, you look like death!" Leshawna said, standing at the cabin door. I sighed, whining.

"This guy is gonna be dead soon. Anyway, why are you still in your pyjamas? I thought you would've showered already." Leshawna shook her head.

"Queen Bee has to have her private time. That spoilt little white girl." I smiled, throwing my covers off my legs.

"Well, guess I gotta get up now. I'm not getting back to sleep, thanks to our delightful 'host'." Leshawna laughed.

"I hear ya, girl!" She turned, heading back down the cabin steps. I closed the door, now having the cabin to myself. The joy of showering the night before, no waiting in long lines. I slipped into black leggings and a grey hoodie, throwing the hood over my head. Screw this stupid insomnia. Suddenly, a loud voice boomed from the speakers.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit!" Chris said, his voice crackling through the speaker. I flipped the bird to no one in particular, before heading out of the cabin, slamming the door behind me.

By the time I'd made it to the campfire pit, everyone had already assembled.

"Ah, [Y/N], late again this morning? You're making a good habit of it." I glared at the host, shoving my hands further into my pockets.

"Oh, McLean, you're making a good habit of a possible death bed," I stated, Chris having a shocked look plastered on his face. Taking a seat next to Duncan, I pulled the drawstrings on my hood tight, and put my head on his shoulder.

"Wake me up when it's challenge time." I stated, Duncan chuckling slightly. Before I could rest my eyes, Chris' words perked my interest.

"Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting." I immediately sat straight, throwing my hoodie off my face. Duncan also seemed eager.

"That's more like it!" I smirked. If this is some one-on-one competition, then I can definitely wipe out the competition. Chris then displays paintball guns, and I can feel my spirits lighten.

"Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold queries, and Chris smiles innocently.

"Why yes Harold, it is." He then proceeds to shoot Harold with it, the kid falling back with a grunt. Bridgette, the nature-loving girl she is, sighs in relief.

"So we won't be killing anything?"

"Negatory. This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the team's once we get into the woods." Duncan and I immediately make our way to the woods, not bothering about the 'breakfast' Chris had given us.

"I'm definitely gonna win this," Duncan exclaimed.

"Oh, game on, juvie."

"And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are... Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette. Locked and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." As they all got geared up, my face fell. I was gonna be the hunted one?

"The rest of you get these cute goggles, tails, and antlers!" Chris threw the gear at us. I sighed, and collected up my gear. Duncan, on the other hand, flat out refused to take them.

"There is no way I'm a deer." Chris smiled, before putting Duncan's gear on for him. After fixing his goggles, he explains.

"Take these off and your team is toast." The delinquent glares, his arms crossed over his chest. I examined the gear. God, this looked like a child's Halloween costume. As I secured my gear onto me, Duncan sent me a smirk. Raising my brow, I question him.

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