No Pain, No Game

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Last time on Total Drama Island...

The Bass and Gopher teams were disbanded into a Battle of the Sexes challenge that put their taste buds to the puke test. With bovine testicles, live bug insect pizza, and liquid roach juice on the menu, not only was this the single biggest retch fest this host has ever seen, but Owen's obscene consumption habits finally paid off and scored a big win for his compadres. While the guys set sail aboard a weekend retreat on the S.S. Lap o' Luxury, the girls set down territorial tape, forcing newcomer Bridgette to choose sides, and [Y/N] to despise her new team. Now that Heather's drawn the line, will Leshawna cross the line? Can Bridgette mend the line before Gwen shreds the line? Can [Y/N] survive with the girls? And can Lindsay recognize any line that's not a tan line? For the answers to all these cliffhangers and more, stay tuned to the most exciting episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!

"Ow! Lindsay!" Heather exclaimed, sitting up from her position on the beach. I rolled my eyes, facing back towards the sea. To say things were tense was an understatement. Bridgette and I had been forced to survive without our old team, and as much as I thought they were annoying, I kind of missed the guys. Or maybe one in particular.

"And they're arguing again. I swear that's the 5th time today." Bridgette sighed, taking a seat beside me on the sand. I shook my head.

"More like the 10th. I swear, if Chris continues this whole 'boys versus girls' thing, I'll lose it." I groaned, and the surfer laughed. I couldn't help but smile. Since the whole time I'd been here, Bridgette really had become a close friend of mine. A horn in the distance caught my attention, and I focused on the boat approaching. Loud music filled the air. As the yacht pulled up, the boys slowly pooled out.

"What a weekend!" Duncan exclaimed, a smug look on his face.

"Oh, sweet mother of mirth! You can't buy that kind of fun!" Owen chimed in, and I stood up from my position on the ground, rolling my eyes.

"Sounds like you guys had heaps of fun," I stated, crossing my arms. Duncan sent me a wink, before tossing a paper bag my way. Opening it, I saw that it was full of all different kinds of candies.

"Don't think I forgot about you, princess." He laughed as I popped one of the contents in my mouth.

"Anyone care for a chocolate-coated cherry blossom?" Owen held out the plate, Leshawna smacking it away almost immediately.

"No!" Owen cried, and Geoff gave him a sympathetic look.

"It's okay, dude. The ladies are just a little jealous." Geoff stated, and I frowned, continuing to pick from the bag that I held.

"Yeah, who can blame 'em? They can barely stand each other, and meanwhile, us guys are tighter than family! Guys rule!" Duncan cheered, and I raised my brow. He looked at me sheepishly.

"Aw, don't worry, [Y/N]. You and Bridgette rule, too." He stated, and I once again rolled my eyes.

"Listen up, campers! As of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves!" Chris exclaimed through the microphones around the camp, and I couldn't help but laugh at the faces the boys pulled away from each other. They slowly retreated from one another, Duncan backing up beside me.

"Well, how about you and I create our own team, sunshine?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No way, juvie. Game on." I smirked, and he rolled his eyes. A boat horn was heard once again.

"Did you guys leave someone at the resort?" I asked, trying to catch a glimpse.

"No?" DJ replied, and slowly, the image became clear. There stood Eva, more intimidating than ever. I could see Heather's eyes widen, and other people began to stare in fear. Honestly, I didn't interact with her too much while she was here. Besides the whole cabin-storm, I didn't really converse with her.

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