Trial by Tri-armed Triathlon

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"Last time on Total Drama Island... The campers got sent out on safari. They made like they were zookeepers. Although, some of them might wanna look at other careers. Heather, [Y/N] and Duncan formed an alliance, which helped a little. Although, everyone else helped by sucking. This week, our seven remaining campers will get way too close for comfort. Will Heather, [Y/N] and Duncan's alliance survive another challenge? Will Heather avoid the Boat of Losers yet again? And who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight... on Total. Drama. Island!"

I curled up underneath my sheet, being the most comfortable I'd ever been since I'd gotten to this crummy island. Not to mention, with the lack of girls in the cabin, the noise was kept to a strong minimum, providing a perfect sleeping place. I yawned, stretching my arms out wide. These past few weeks had surprisingly flew by, and it was hard to believe that there was only seven of us left. At the end of today, there would be six.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud helicopter flying over the cabin, almost shaking the bunks.

"Keep it down out there!" Leshawna yelled, pushing her pillow over her head. I sat up, watching as Gwen opened the door to the cabin.

"What's going on out here?" She asked, and we watched as Chris landed the plane.

"I'm betting that he still doesn't have his pilots license." I insisted, standing up and resting my figure against the door frame.

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island! Over the past six weeks, we've watched sixteen campers push themselves to the limit! And they get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers! Sucks to be you!" Chris laughed, and Gwen and I shared a worried look.

"C. R. A. Z. Y." I spelled out, and Gwen laughed.

"Only seven campers remain. And after six weeks of bugs, crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our seven finalists are about this close to losing it. We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers destress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we could push them over the edge." Excuse me?

"Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?" I snorted, seeing Duncan shake his head from across the cabins.

"Nah, all in the name of today's challenge: The Tri-Armed Triathlon!" Chris exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Chris. It's too early to be explaining challenges." I remarked.

"And here I thought you were used to it by now. Three challenges, two teams of two, a team of three, and three arms between each team.

"Have you met these people? I am not being chained to any of them." Heather sneered.

"Winning team members get invincibility from tonight's vote." That seemed to be enough to satisfy Heather, as she walked away to go get ready. I sighed, turning back to go get my own self organised.

Gwen sighed. "Six long weeks. I don't know how much more of this I can take. The person who's creasing me the most? Geoff. The guy is in a permanently good mood. No one is always in a good mood. And if he says "dude" or "cool" or eats with his mouth open one more time, I think I'm gonna seriously damage him."

Geoff frowned. "The camp is great and all, a-and I'm seriously stoked to be here. Yeah... I miss my buds back home. Yo! If you're watching, this is a shoutout to all my bros back east, man! It's not that I don't like everyone who's left. They're just kind of downers. Except Owen and [Y/N], heh. That dude can party! And [Y/N] and Bridgette were like, super close, so of course she's awesome! Leshawna's cool, but Gwen and Duncan are like, so serious, and Heather is freaking me out with all her strategy talk. I thought getting to the final seven would be like a big party, but... it's kinda heavy, man."

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