X-Treme Torture

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Last time on Total Drama Island...

The eleven surviving campers were put through Master Chief Hatchet's brutal boot camp. Duncan was the first to be sent to the brig by Major Harshness for disorderly conduct. Shocker. A surprise pull by him and [Y/N] not only got them into the dessert fridge, but further into their relationship. Leshawna won her stripes for the Gophers and the Bass smelt something fishy when Courtney was suddenly voted off. Confession cams revealed that it was Harold who tampered with the votes in order to thank [Y/N] for being nice. Isn't that what she's known for, though? This week the campers are pushed to be extreme. Who will crack under the pressure? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!

"Ugh!" The groans were audible around me as the other campers slowly woke from their slumber. I covered my pillow over my face, internally rolling my eyes. The sound of blades from a plane filled my ears, ringing constantly. I threw my pillow, storming out of the cabin. Seeing people scrambling around trying to stay out of Chris' way was definitely a sight for sore eyes. I rubbed my own eyes, trying to wake myself up. As the plane landed, I saw a beaming Chris.

"You know, I can't wait to get my pilot's license!" He beamed, and I shook my head.

"If anyone in their right mind give's you a plane license, I will personally track them down." I stretched out my arms, yawning. I trekked down the steps, finding everyone staring at the plane in a state of panic.

"Anyway, just thought I'd be a kind host and help you all flex your muscles for today's..." He pulled out a megaphone, and I shot him a glare. The man seemed to notice this, and instead of screaming it down, he spoke through the megaphone in an even tone.

"Extreme sports challenge!" Once again, groans were elicited from surrounding campers. I shook my head, shoving my hands into my hoodie pockets. There was no break here, was there?

"Ugh, it's too early for this." Gwen groaned out, and I nodded in agreement.

"This week, you'll participate in three challenges. First up, Extreme Sofa Bed Skydiving! Contestants will plummet, uh... Skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below." I hung my mouth open in shock. I'd been locked in a closet, jumped off a cliff, even jumped over jellyfish infested waters, but if I knew one thing for certain, I would not be jumping out of a plane.

"Trent and [Y/N]. It's your lucky day! You'll both be jumping for your respective teams." Oh hell no. Suddenly, the beach was spinning.

I opened my eyes to a bright light a few moments later. My vision impaired, it slowly adjusted to the harsh lighting. I saw multiple faces. Bridgette, Geoff, Trent, DJ, Chris and Duncan.

"[Y/N], can you hear me?" I saw Chris say, and I blinked a few times.

"Mhm, what just happened?" I asked, my hand flying to my pounding forehead.

"You went pale and dropped, princess." Duncan stated, his brows furrowing in concern.

"And second. Was that last part a dream, or am I seriously jumping out of a plane?" I asked, and received a sheepish look from Chris.

"Now, remember! Ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing." I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, clutching onto a handle for dear life. Trent rubbed my shoulder encouragingly, but I could see the gleam of fear in his eyes.

"We've got this. It's just like flying." Trent's voice wavered, and my knuckles began to whiten at my grip.

"Except we're gonna die trying," I stated, glancing over to Chris. He simple smiled back, as if he knew something I didn't. In his hands, he held forms.

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