We Meet Again.

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As the boat rocked across the water, I found myself holding my breath. Was I really ready to talk to Chris? What if my mom was right about him? What if he truly didn't care about me?

I shook my head, allowing the cool wind to hit my face, somewhat calming my aching nerves. Chef was steering the boat around the island, towards the other side where the production crew resided. Where he would be.

"You good back there, soldier?" His voice boomed, turning his head slightly.

"Yeah." I nodded, even if he couldn't see it. With a grunt, he faced forward once more. Chef had definitely done some of Chris' bidding, so I wouldn't blame him for being tired of running around.

"We're 'bout to pull up. Chris won't be back 'till morning, so you can take one of the empty trailers for the night. Crew issues." Chef chuckled somewhat darkly, and I gave him a sketchy look. Did the production crew actually get hurt during testing? Wasn't that illegal? As we pulled up to a new dock, I slung my bag over my shoulders, beginning to trudge silently behind the man.

Shortly after, I found myself in one of the empty trailers. A nice shower, warm clothes, and an actually comfy bed had been exactly what I'd missed since leaving home. Despite my whole body aching for rest, my mind couldn't seem to stop racing. So many questions flooded my mind, so many words that I planned to say.

And then there were my friends. What would they think of me when they realised Chris was my dad? What if they thought he was favouring me? Sure, at times he seemed to go easy on me, but I really did try to do things on my own.

Duncan was nice about it, mainly because he could see how not having my dad around had affected me. But what about Bridgette? Geoff? Harold? Leshawna? DJ? All these people I'd formed friendships with. What if Chris, the torturous host who was my dad, made them distance themselves from me? 

I let out a sigh, moving my arms over my eyes. I knew I was probably overthinking the whole situation, but it was hard not to. 

And then there would be my mother. God, what would I say? She'd tried so hard to keep my brother and I from ever finding out about our dad, did everything she could to rid him of our memories. She'd always said he was a bad person, a person who didn't care about anyone but himself, but I knew differently.

And now, I'd finally get the chance to hear my father out.

The next morning, Chef had guided me to one of the tents. It was set up very fancy - well, as fancy as you could get for a living room in the woods. Since Chris had to address the final four contestants, I was left alone, counting down the moments when I would finally let particular words slip from my lips.

I glanced around the tent. It was somewhat cozy. Chairs were found in the centre, a coffee table nearby, a TV, some stands that held camera equipment, a table filled with all different foods and beverages, and some DVDs. I moved over to the table decorated with food, my stomach groaning in desperation. Despite the hunger that consumed me, I felt too nervous to eat a full meal. Settling on a few chocolate-chip cookies, I gingerly took a seat in one of the chairs, facing the TV.

My heart felt like it would explode out of my chest at any moment. I'd seen Chris very often, even exchanging some witty remarks. It wasn't like I hadn't spoken to him before. It was the fact that I was speaking to him when he knew that I knew. At those times, I hadn't known, making things so much easier. Now? There wasn't much stopping him from openly talking about things. That's what scared me.

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