That's Off The Chain!

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"Last time on Total Drama Island...

In a challenge of hide-and-seek, campers had to avoid capture by Chef It, or join his guerrilla tactics to tag fellow campers. Some had weak hiding spots while others won invincibility. Meanwhile, with some subtle nudging, the guys convinced Owen to stay loyal to their alliance. Even without lovesick Geoff's help, the guys banished Bridgette, so it was Geoff who paid a hefty price for staying loyal to his girl. Man, that stinks, Geoff. And so did she. Will the guys ever trust Geoff again? Will the girls form an alliance? Will I be stuck hosting reality TV for the rest of my life? Find out on this episode of Total. Drama. Island!"

I sat on the cabin steps, comforting an upset Geoff. The whole Bridgette elimination had really bummed him out, to the point where he would wail throughout the night. Even from the girls cabin, I struggled to sleep.

"Come on, Geoff. You'll see Bridgette again!" I ensured, which made him sulk harder. I let out a sigh, and pat his back.

"Oh, come on, dude. Get a grip." Duncan appeared in front of us, arms over his chest. I glanced behind him towards the lake, where the girls were having their own conversation. My gaze returned to the delinquent, shooting him a 'not now' look.

"Baby come back!" Geoff cried, trying to sing in a wavered voice. I couldn't tell if this was torture for him, or for me.

"Yes, Duncan. Because that's what you say to a friend who's missing someone." The sarcasm in my voice was clear. but he smirked either way.

The other remaining guys made their way over, Owen hugging the other blond.

"Look, man. Voting Bridgette off was just a strategic move. If the guy alliance stands strong, we can win this. So are you in?" Duncan asked, and I rose my brow. Strategic my ass.

"I don't know man. Going on without Bridge is like... Oh... is that bacon? Aw, crap! Did I miss breakfast?" I shook my head, a small smile plastering my lips. Looked like Geoff was better.

"Morning, campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the Arts and Crafts Center!" The crackly speaker echoed across the camp. As the boys began heading away, I felt Duncan's hand grab my wrist.

"So, plan on letting them know yet?" He asked, his smirk still on his face.

"Yeah, because I so need the girls targeting me next. Besides, I don't think Geoff wants to hear about relationships right now, particularly ours." Duncan shrugged, and his arm slid over my shoulders.

"Whatever you say, princess. However, the second this show is over, I won't refrain from letting them know."

"That's the first time I've heard you use smart words. Good job, Duncan!" I clapped my hands, and he rolled his eyes, dropped his arm, and walked away.

"I was joking!"

"Welcome to the Arts and Crafts Center," Chris called, gesturing to the place.

"More like the Arts and Crap Center." Duncan snickered.

"Yeah. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog." A road what? "Which brings us to your challenge. Building your own wheels!" The boys started enthusiastically cheering.

"Hot rods! Yes! Awesome! Gimme five! Woohoo! Woohoo. Woo..." Owen cheered, pumping his fists in the air.

"You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot." Bikes, how lovely. "Once you've collected the basics, you can trick 'em out any way you want using props from the Arts and Crafts Center. Best design wins! And... to prove I'm a nice guy, I'll even throw in a bike manual." Chris threw the manual to Heather as he left, the girl immediately throwing it to Izzy in disgust.

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