Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island

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A/N: This chapter was written for 'Totally Dramatic: Now this is Action!' but I didn't want to start it ending off with TDI. So enjoy this as a bonus chapter + sneak peek of the next book!

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island. It's been a long time since you last saw our campers slugging it out for the $100,000 grand prize. Since the competition came to a shocking and dramatic conclusion, our campers have had some time to snack on some real food — no offence, Chef — take a hot shower, get their stuff back, and even peruse their emails from home. There were losers."

A recap of last season's events play, with the host chuckling to himself.

"Okay. Lots of losers. But there was only one winner: Owen. The youngest of three brothers and a hardcore underachiever turned out to be the surprise champ. Without much knowledge, ambition, fitness, or even charm, he ended up with one massive prize. He's planning a wicked tropical party for all his fellow campers this winter. But first, they're gonna move their booties for one final poolside rap party, and tomorrow, everybody's heading home. Or are they?"

A dramatic pause, followed by a devious grin on Chris' lips.

"Find out here on Total. Drama. Island!"

Music blared around the pool, laughter and chatting accompanying it. Sprawled on a pool chair, a smile of contempt laid on my lips. The sun felt warm, inviting, similar to how it had on my first day at camp.

A lot had changed since then.

"Woohoo! Hahaha. Awesome party, dudes!" I opened my eyes to see Owen prancing about, hands full of marshmallows to his disposal. Ever since he'd gotten the winning prize, marshmallows were all he seemed to eat. I giggled, stretching my arms up to rest behind my head.

"All right! No more challenges or alliances! We can finally just hang!" Cody exclaimed, a frisbee flying through the air. It was great. No challenges, no arguments, no drama - not between any of us, at least. My gaze shifted around to the other campers. Everyone seemed a lot calmer, more at peace with one another. Even Heather had been tolerable. Closing my eyes once more, I felt myself recapping the past 24 hours between Owen winning, and today's party.

Sat together, [Y/N] swallowed the lump in her throat. Her gaze was fixated on the laptop in front of her, her mother's face staring back at her almost pleadingly.

"You don't understand, [Y/N]. Chris is a bad man! He left you, he left us. He's not fit to be a father!"

[Y/N] glanced up, Chris on the other side of the laptop out of camera view. With him sat a lawyer, once who surprisingly was very good at Family Law.

"I've made my decision. I want dad to have partial custody, at least for the time being." Full custody would be hard, especially with the type of job Chris had. Partial meant [Y/N] could be with him, at least until things settled.

"Darren is a good man. Give him a chance. He can be the father you need!" Once again, her mother was trying to coerce her.

"No. The father I want is right here." With that, [Y/N] spun the laptop around to Chris and his lawyer, closing her eyes in frustration.

Words had been exchanged that day. Some rude, not-repeatable words. I'd never realised just how manipulative my mother could be, how arrogant she could be. Chris had been calm the whole time, with mom just screaming at him through the laptop screen. But the paperwork was being finalised - Chris had jumped onto it straight away.

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