Chapter 19 - 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒚

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˚. ˚◦˚.˚◦˚
Turn around and
arch your back
*+:.。  。.:+*

✗ ↱ 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙖 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙮 ↲ ✗

𝓣—hen, it all stopped. The fingers inside her. The intense gaze. The pleasure. Even Overhaul's presence in the chair. Her eyes cracking open as she heard rustling next to her. Her head turning to see Overhaul undoing the buckle to his belt. A button popping as he merely flicked his fingers over it with his free hand. The other hand stopping you from playing with yourself.

"You got me hard again."

Chisaki stood there, eyes fixed on you with this intense and erotic gaze. Dirty thoughts of all kind flowed freely through his mind. The things he wanted to do to you were beyond sanitary and impure. This wasn't like him at all. Everything about this situation was unclean, so why is he looking forward to it so much?

He shouldn't be thinking like this. He had morals to maintain. But hearing your screams as he ruthlessly slammed into you would be worth throwing away any morals the man previously possessed.

[Y/n] closed her legs, trying to shield herself from the intensity of Overhaul's stare.

For some reason he didn't like that at all and pried her thighs back apart. "Don't hide from me."

Easy for him to say. You were the only one naked. This was embarrassing. You turned your head to the side so you wouldn't have to look at him. "Don't be rough."

It was cute that she thought she was in any position to make demands or negotiate with him right now.

Overhaul smiled at her mischievously. "Why? Can you not take all of it?" Its hard to believe she was chickening out all the sudden and after having so much to say.

The girl's face turned red. "I'm not too sure..."

"Oh?" The realization hit him. Part of him had always known but he was never completely sure. Its not like he had any sexual experience himself, so how could he have known? But now he was sure.

Overhaul ran his hands down your thighs and back up again. "Im going to soil your innocence, doll." He couldn't wait another second. Unfortunately for you though, you weren't going to enjoy this nearly as much as he would. It wouldn't be much of a punishment if you were having too much fun, now would it?

He pushed his pants down, past his knees, down to his ankles, leaving him only in his underwear. Before he made any other movements he made sure to make something clear to you. "You're going to take every inch of me," none of what he was saying would be negotiable. If you didn't agree with him then he couldn't force you. But one thing was for certain, he wouldn't settle for anything other than what it was that he wanted to do to you. To hell with whatever you wanted.

"If you tell me to stop, then ill stop. But that's the worse case scenario, so get it out of your mind, now. If you do decide to go that route it'll mean we're incompatible. Pain is temporary and If you can't handle what I'm about to do to you then we shouldn't be together in the first place."

[Y/n] swallowed the knot that was forming in her throat. What the hell was he going to do to her? If he had to tell her all that then it must've been really bad. You pushed all the doubt in your mind aside and nodded anyway, he wouldn't hurt me...

If only she knew how wrong she actually was. Overhaul pulled his boxers down, allowing his member to spring upright. Once [Y/n] locked her eyes on it, she was sure it wouldn't have been possible for her to take him whole. Half? Possibly. Even then, It would take a few rounds for her to get fully used to just that much.

"Spit on it." he demanded.

Her mother didn't raise a quitter but there was no way she'd allow him to go through whatever he was planning, especially after seeing that thing up close "B-baby..." she sat up, time to kiss some ass. His goals were too far fetched. He'd end up killing her.

"No." he rejected whatever it was you were about to ask him. "Don't make me repeat myself."

Accepting defeat, she did as he said. Using her hands to spread her oral lubricant all over his shaft. His breath hitched slightly at the feeling of her small hands massaging his length.

"Is that enough..?" she looked up at him. There it was again. That look. It drove him wild. He badly wanted to play in her throat but that would have to wait for another time. Right now he had one initiative in mind.

"Turn around and arch your back."

[Y/n] must've misheard him. It sounded like he just asked her to-


"C-chisaki...we can't-" she was a virgin. That simply would not be possible for her.

She remembered him telling her how she would have to take every inch of him, and now the severity of the situation fully dawned on her. He wasn't kidding.

"We can't what? You can't take it, angel?" he raised an eyebrow, almost daring you to say no.

You took a deep breath. This was temporary. The pain would all be temporary. Just get it over with [Y/n]. You turned around on all fours and arched your back, raising your ass up towards him. "Do your worse, I dare you."

"Well, since you asked so nicely." he rubbed his tip against your folds. "I hope you're wet enough, because this will hurt like a bitch."

After rubbing against you for a while to distract you from the fact that he was completely lost, he found he right hole. Well, hopefully it was the right one. He positioned his hips back to enter you, but a knock at the door delayed his movements.

"[Y/n]! Have you seen the boss?" Chrono's concerned voice echoed from the other end of the door.

Just great. Someone's here for him. Talk about a mood kill. Luckily It would take a lot more than that to stop him though. "Answer him." the golden eyed man smirked from above her.

[Y/n] on the other hand wasn't as bothered by the intrusion. Anything that could buy her more time was good. She didn't know if she should let Chrono know where Overhaul actually was, considering what the two were doing right now, or lie. The second option made the most sense. "Yeah I saw him a couple minutes ago, he's-" In one hard, quick thrust Overhaul fully entered you.

It took no longer than a second for the pain of what he had just done to fully register to the girl, and as soon as it did, the rest of her sentence was cut off by a high pitched scream.

It took no longer than a second for the pain of what he had just done to fully register to the girl, and as soon as it did, the rest of her sentence was cut off by a high pitched scream

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