Chapter 16 - 𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔

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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
I wish you were
here right now
*+:。.。  。.。:+*

𝓨—ou hadn't heard from Overhaul all week. Apparently he was on a 'classified mission'. Of course it wasn't anything new to you, he would always leave you alone, but that didn't necessarily mean it hurt any less. Just when you thought you were making progress with him too. How long did he plan on shutting you out?

You stared at the walls in your room which felt more welcoming than the first time you saw them. Probably because you added more things from your apartment. Maybe I'm just thinking about this whole situation too hard. He'll be back in no time. But then what? What do I say, what should I do? Should I plan something special for him? Maybe I should just check up on him. Not like I have anything better to do right.

You picked up your phone off your nightstand to send him a message. Overhaul figured you wouldn't run away or try anything funny anymore so he gave your phone back to you. It was kind of shocking that he held on to it all that time. You knew that messaging him wouldn't be the brightest idea since he strictly told you not to, unless I was dying or something. But I was dying—from loneliness. You tapped on your screen for a few seconds contemplating if you actually wanted to go through with this.

I missed him. Sure I'd upset him to the greatest degree possible if I interrupted him during his endeavors right now but it would be worth it. What was more important to him? Me or his life goals? Exactly. All I wanted was a little bit of attention. Was that too much to ask for?


No reply.

As expected. He's probably busy right now or he read it from the notification bar and decided he didn't feel like answering. I doubt he's asleep, he's usually up at this kind of time in the night anyways. Then a brilliant idea came to your mind, you didn't know how he would feel about it but you were going to go through with it anyway. What's the worst thing he could do. Kill you?

You raised up your shirt, exposing your purple bra and squeezed your boobs together to snap a photo of your exposed cleavage. Let's hope he's not in a meeting right now. You sent the photo.

You put your shirt back on and scrolled through Instagram. I'm sure whenever he sees it he'll reply. Not even ten seconds later your phone dinged, signaling you got a text message. Well would you look who it is.

-Bird Boy🖤.
Someone misses me.

The lengths you had to go to for a reply from him, this was outrageous. Pimping yourself out like this. But it wasn't over yet.

I wish you were
here right now.

-Bird Boy🖤.
Oh yeah, why is that?

You could practically feel his interest peeking from the other end of the screen.

I've been feeling all hot
and bothered lately...
thinking about you

Honestly that was a lie. But you just wanted to mantain his attention for the time being, even if you had to pull little stunts like these. Besides, this was much more entertaining than passing the hours on social media.

-Bird Boy🖤.
Thinking about me
doing what exactly?

I'd rather not say,
but you can use your
imagination ;)

He read the message and stopped replying. You waited for a few minutes but still, nothing. Perhaps I scared him away. Not long after those few minutes turned into an hour and just as you were about to give up on him and call it a night you heard your phone ding again.

-Bird Boy🖤.
I'm a visual learner.
Show me.

Well that was unexpected. You weren't even in the mood to tease him any more. You were more concerned with where he was for the past hour. It was 1am, what could he had possibly been doing?

Where were you all
that time?

-Bird Boy🖤.
I was taking a shower

Now you were no mathematician but nobody showers for an one in the morning. Something wasn't adding up.

No one showers for
an hour straight Overhaul.

-Bird Boy🖤.
Are you accusing me
of lying?

You knew that if you responded it would only end in you both bickering all night, so what did you do? You put your phone on do not disturb and went to sleep. That was enough attention for today. You knew he was probaly calling you by now since you were ignoring him but that sounds like future [Y/n]'s problem. For now I should probably rest.

 For now I should probably rest

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