Chapter 21 - 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏?

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-𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗬^ 𝗢𝗡𝗘-❝【𝓜𝓮𝓪𝓷?】❞

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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Nobody's pregnant
*+:。.。  。.。:+*

[𝓨—/n] was still out of it, and Overhaul didn't want to pull out of her. It was keeping his dick warm, and he wanted to prolong their encounter as much as possible.

"Chisaki..." [Y/n] whined. It felt great during the ending, she must admit. But her pleasure was only temporary, as her original feelings of pain began re-surfacing. "My pussy hurts."

A satisfied grin made its way to the yakuza leader's face. "How bad on the scale of 1 to 10?" he questioned.

"A nine." [Y/n] answered honestly. "I think you broke it."

He finally pulled out, pleased with your answer. That, and because if he stayed in any longer he probably would have wanted to go another round, and you obviously weren't ready for that.

"Im going to see what it was that Korono wanted." He dismissed himself. On his way there he would probably stop to take a shower though. He could smell the sweat on him, and he wasn't a fan of it.

[Y/n] didn't give a shit about all of that. She could feel some of his cum slowly draining out and she wasn't happy about it at all. "Chisaki..." her voice was faint.

"What is it love?" He barely gave you his attention as he pulled his pants up.

He already knew she was upset, and before she could say anything else he quickly tried to take her mind off of the subject to avoid any upcoming arguments. "You look rough, would you like to join me in the shower?

The girl's face lit up. [Y/n] didn't except him to be the type of person to actually care enough about those kinds of things. She just assumed after he was done that they would go on with their day as usual, and pretend it never even happened.

Until the next time he decided he wanted to get in your pants of course.

"Are you sure?" she asked for clarification. She didn't want to jump to conclusions since he wasn't really a fan of that touchy feely stuff. He probably just meant that they both shower, but separately.

"I don't think we should shower at the same time, unfortunately. Which means that you can go first." Chisaki cleared up any underlying confusion.

She knew it. "Why not?" [Y/n] didn't bother masking her disappointment.

"Do you think that us naked, in a small space with running water and nothing else for more than twenty minutes is going to go well?" Overhaul looked at you like that was the most idiotic thing he's ever heard. "Obviously we're going to end up having sex again [Y/n]."

"What's wrong with that?" she sat up, wincing slightly from the soreness.

He took notice of her obvious discomfort. "That." he looked down at her. "That's what the problem is."



It took a lot of convincing but eventually Overhaul agreed to shower with her. He handed her all her scattered clothes that she had previously discarded, and took her with him to his personal bathroom. Apparently he didn't use the public one like everyone else did. Narcissistic prick.

When they stepped out of her room the few people who were lingering around in the hall tried their best to avoid eye contact. Judging from your appearances, the messy hair, the loud screaming, and wrinkled clothing, it was quite obvious to them what had happened in that room. But none of them would dare to bring it up.

On your way to his bathroom you tried your best to walk normally, but you couldn't help waddling a little.

Chisaki saw you struggling to keep up with him so he stopped walking. Even though he didn't want to admit it, you were kind of cute like that. Mostly because he knew he was the cause.

She could see the satisfaction all over his face, even with that plague mask of his. "What are you looking at you domesticated bird?" she bickered.

He began walking again, and to think he almost offered to carry her. You sure did a number on him, because never in a thousand years would he have ever thought about doing some soppy shit like that. "Hurry up, and don't trip down."

She couldn't believe him. She thought that he was going to help her or something. "So you're just going to fuck me, get me pregnant, tell me to come with you to a shower that's like five corridors away, and not even offer to help me walk there?"

It took him a second to process your rant. "Nobody's pregnant." he ignored everything else you said. "I wouldn't do that to my kid. You'd be a really shitty mother."

Well he doesn't he just seem thoughtful. "Yeah, and you'd be the world's greatest father? Wouldn't you?" [Y/n] mocked.

Chisaki bit back on his words and continued leading the way. Of course [Y/n] couldn't take a hint though, and kept running that big mouth of hers.

"You know, when you first kidnapped me I always wondered how it would feel to get layed by you. But now that it's happened, It wasn't at all what I had envisioned."

Overhaul didn't seem to care about a single word she was saying, and she was aware of that, but it wouldn't stop her from expressing her feelings. "You kind of hurt my feelings a little you know." she laughed awkwardly, to disguise her true feelings.

The last part caught his attention. "Explain," he turned around and stopped walking.

[Y/n] knew that Chisaki was emotionally cold, and she could tell that he was trying sometimes, but she just wanted him to be a little more affectionate to her. "I don't know, I just feel—used. I know you just called me all those things to turn me on, and it worked but...why do you always have to be so mean to me all the time? Even after sex."

Mean? He wasn't being "mean" to her. If he was, he would have just left her there like he had originally planned and just went on with his day. But I guess this was expected, he shouldn't have been so rough with her right off the bat, especially since she told him it was her first time doing something like that. Now she was getting all emotional, and this wasn't like her at all.

Now he'd have to get all soft, and comfort her. He knew it wouldn't make him any less of a man, but it still felt weird.

"I'm sorry, angel. I'll be nicer," he apologized.

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