Chapter 15 - 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔

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-𝗙𝗜𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡-❝【𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓼】❞

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❝【𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓼】❞

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
I don't trust you anymore [Y/n]
*+:。.。  。.。:+*

[𝓨—/n] was awoken by a sharp white light. Annoyed, she turned on her side. "Good you're awake. Almost thought you were dead there." Someone chuckled. They pulled their flashlight away from your eyes and stepped back a bit.

You strained your eyes open and sat up only to be met with a familiar pair of golden eyes at the end the bed. "C-chisaki." Your voice cracked in the midst. Though, this particular room was unfamiliar to you. It had a dark theme to it and not very much lightning. Never the less it was beautiful, the materials looked rather expensive.

"Where am I..." you mumbled.

"We're in my room." Overhaul answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Does that mean that he took me back to the underground labyrinth when I passed out? This time you had no complaints though, you were happy to be back. Just the thought of being in the comforting villainous walls brought a smile to your face. The air that once made you feel sick to your stomach and unable to breathe now felt warm and welcoming. You were safe here. No one could hurt you.

"What are you smiling about?" Overhaul turned his head to the side and raised an eyebrow at the girl's strange behavior.

"I'm just really happy to see you I guess." It's almost like you didn't just try to abandon him and everything he stood for just a few hours ago or maybe it was days. You had no idea how long you were out for.

"You're not going to ask how you got back here or how I found you or even explain to me why you did it?" His eyebrows furrowed of confusion even more.

You lowered your head in embarrassment. You couldn't justify what you did, no matter how much you thought about it.

"So it's like that huh, no answer?" He scoffed. "I doubt that you'd care but that night I stayed up—waiting for you. I thought that you'd come and explain your decision to me or even just have the decency to tell me goodbye, that you choose to leave. But you just fucking left [Y/n]." He raised his voice slightly.

"No letter, nothing, you just up and left me as though I meant nothing. It was dark so I bet you didn't see me but I was there. From the moment you lingered the empty halls, to the moment you headed west towards the city. Even though you didn't care enough to say anything I still cared enough to make sure you got home safely. So I could atleast get the peace of mind of knowing you weren't fucking killed. I couldn't bare it. He touched you...[Y/n] he tried to fucking rape you and you're completely ignoring it like it didn't happen. You're fucking smiling. What if I hadn't came? Then what?" Overhaul snapped.

You had no idea he had been bottling up all these emotions until now. What were you supposed to tell him in this moment. You were being selfish and completely disregarded how he might have felt.

"I was selfish, and I'm sorry. But maybe you should have left me, I deserved it. For leaving you, for leaving everything behind without a second thought. After everything you did for me I upped and left. I know how sick that is but I never thought I'd hurt you like this...I never thought you'd care." You were practically fighting tears at this point. He did care, and not in some sick twisted way this time.

"Well you did, and I don't think I can ever forgive you for that. I don't think I can believe you...I don't trust you anymore [Y/n]." Overhaul got up to walk away but his movements were stopped by a small hand on his wrist.

"Please Overhaul..."

"Please what?" He looked down at you coldly.

"I care about you, I really do."

This seemed to anger the male even more. "If this is you caring then I'd hate to see you not give a fuck." He snarled.

"Let me show much I care." You pleaded.

Overhaul's entire demeanor changed. Whether it was from your soft touch or your pleading he couldn't tell. Even though in this moment in time he couldn't bare associating himself with you any longer in fear of being hurt once more, he still cared. "Then show me."

[Y/n] was unsure about this at first. This was what she wanted, but whether Overhaul would allow it was a different story.

You loosened your hands from his wrist and trailed them down to his belt. You went to unbuckle it and Overhaul's eyes widened in shock. When you said you would show him how much you cared he didn't think you meant it in this way. Still he didn't stop you. "What are you doing [Y/n]?" He questioned quite amused with the girl.

"I made you worry about me and I put you through hell, and I'm really sorry for that. So just let me make you feel good." You were still stumbling with his belt buckle. How the hell did he get this thing on. Overhaul couldn't help but mentally laugh at your advances. He thought it was cute that you felt this way about him but he couldn't let you go through with it. Well not right now atleast. He placed a hand on yours, which were still on his belt buckle, to stop you.

"It's fine [Y/n], I forgive you." How could he not after seeing the lengths you were willing to go for his forgiveness. You couldn't help but smile.

Nothing could make you happier than those words. Even though he rejected your advances and that was kind of embarrassing. Not to mention you stumbling over his belt. Seriously [Y/n]?

"Now stop smiling and come here." He opened his arms. Without giving it a second thought you threw yourself into his embrace. This felt happy and giddy inside. He smelled of expensive cologne and peppermint. Of course he would smell like peppermint. You snuggled your head further into his chest. You wanted to engrave this moment into your mind forever. You didn't want to let him go, and judging by his secure hold on you he wasn't playing on doing so either. This felt...nice. Though that moment was short lived.

"So, does that mean I can..." Overhaul grabbed a handful of your ass earning a small yelp from you, "I can do that right?" He'd been wanting to cop a feel for a while.

"No, no, no, you can't do that." You scolded.

" You scolded

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