Chapter 6 - 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔

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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Good Girl.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*

𝓞—verhaul peered down at the female who was on her knees doing what he assumed to be wiping something off of her shoes. He was still skeptical of her making a run for it any minute now, not like she would make it far to begin with. "If you try anything, I will kill you." Overhaul mumbled whiles still observing the girl. "And if anyone's home, I'll probaly kill them too."

[Y/n] clicked her tongue as she exchanged a tiresome look with him. "I doubt anyone's there, I live alone." A small part of her hoped that he was bluffing, he wouldn't actually kill anyone, right?

Overhaul accepted her response, her living alone would help their little voyage go a lot more smoothly. "Might wanna be more careful, a villain could just waltz in and snatch you away."

[Y/N] paused, "Are you serious?" She stared in amazement the amount of audacity the man had.

Springing up from the ground once she was done with her shoes, she began to stretch her back from bending.

"Let's go, the smell of this room is suffocating." Overhaul scoffed.

"But you're wearing a mask..."

Not paying any attention to her comment he turned his back and strolled out of the room. [Y/n] took that as her cue to follow him as she swiftly hauled herself forward.

"Good girl."

You were quite taken aback by his words, causing your face to flush a bright shade of red. This was quite noticeable to the few people you walked passed on your way out and to Overhaul as well. But if anything he seemed pleased with your reaction, like it was what he had expected.

"Can you not say things like that." You tried your best to sound confident but it barely came out as a whisper. Darn you Overhaul.

"Why not doll?" he continued teasing you.

You decided not to risk your voice humiliting you again so you said nothing in response.

The day was sultry and vibrant. Honking cars overtook the streets along with civilians going about their regular days. You almost forgot how nice it felt to be among people after being incarcerated for so long. Even though Overhaul was a well-recognized villain neither him nor the people around seemed to care. Or maybe they were just to afraid to do anything.

As they ventured along the sidewalk, thoughts began to cloud [Y/N's] mind. Not a sound was being shared between the both of them, and for some unknown reason she hated it. She knew as live as the day was it wouldn't keep her entertained, but did she really want to risk embarrassing herself yet again by speaking to him? Everytime she said or asked something he would find a way to make her flustered. She didn't like it per-say but she also didn't mind it at times.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the slim male. He had a calm expression and his auburn tresses were blowing in the gentle day breeze. It was in that moment that she had fully taken in his appearance. She never took the time to realize how attractive he actually was. His golden eyes were evocative and quite enticing. Looking even harder she could make out a small scar on the left side of his forehead, but if anything it only added on to his appeal. But it didn't matter what he looked like, he was a villian, a dangerous on at that. And this it what separates him from anyone else she had ever known in her life. Behind those beautiful, captivating golden eyes he was diabolic, vicious, completely out of his mind-

"Is something stuck in my teeth?" Overhaul abruptly said, putting her raging thoughts to rest. She winced at the sudden noise piercing through the silence that they had created.

"I can't see your teeth, how am I supposed to know." You sneered.

He rolled his eyes in response and made a "tss" sound. From his peripheral vision he had noticed her wandering gaze that was fixed on his face. It was pretty astonishing that she didn't seem to notice that their eyes had met a few times already. Or maybe she just didn't care.

"I have a few ground rules, seeing as you'll be staying with us from now on." At first he wasn't too keen on telling her anything about his organization mostly because it wasn't any of her business. But he had a change of heart. She was getting all too comfortable so he should atleast tell the girl what he wanted and so on. [Y/N] nodded in agreement, curious as to what he had to say.

"First rule, I'm the Alpha and you're the omega. Basically I'm at the top and're at the bottom so respect me."

Of course you didn't agree with what he said but you nodded your head regardless.

"Second Rule, for God's sake keep that mask on."

This rule seemed to make more sense than the last so once again you didn't have any objections.

"Thirdly, no heroes, police or any outside contact or consider yourself dead. Since I'm so generous I'll kill them first so you can watch, probably gonna leave some emotional trauma but don't worry I'll kill you right after to end your suffering." He snarled at the thought of a filthy hero in the same space as him.

Saddened, [Y/n] folded her arms across her chest, pushing it up in the process. "Hey hey, so basically I'm your slave?" Overhaul rolled his golden eyes yet again at her in response, he knew her silence wouldn't last long. He had planned on telling her the rest of the rules but decided against it when he realized they had already arrived at their destination. It was surprising how deserted the area in which [Y/N's] house's location was. She should've had a better living circumstance, she might've evaded this situation if so.

[Y/N] halted her line of thoughts as she lifted her head. Taking a deep breath, she takes in the sight of her familiar apartment. It was going to be difficult coming to terms with the fact that she would no longer be living here. Having to just abandon it would be easier said than done.

"Open it."


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