Chapter 17 - 𝑯𝒆'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆

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⭈ 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩: @/ohhhhhhtsu 𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ⭂

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⭈ 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩: @/ohhhhhhtsu 𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ⭂

❝【𝓗𝓮'𝓼 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝓭𝓮】❞

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
She's making me
go soft....
*+:。.。  。.。:+*


'𝓕—uck.' Overhaul came back sooner than you expected and after the little disappearing act he pulled, you decided not to reply to him at all. If anything you were doing him a favor, he doesn't need distractions like that while on duty. You'd think he would be more happy to talk to me after seeing a picture of my tits but no, it's always the same with him. It's been three days since then too. Surely he must have forgotten all about it.

Who am I kidding, he called me 57 times. That's kind of hard to forget about.

If he asks I'll just tell him that my phone died—for three days straight. A phone-coma if you will. Who knows, he might even buy me a new one if I ask him nice enough.

You were currently locked up in your room in hiding. Overhaul was an unpredictable man so you weren't taking any chances. You were playing it safe inside your walk in closet until you were sure he had stopped looking for you, and just as if he was on cue you heard the door unlock and open. How stupid can you be [Y/n]?!? Of course he has a key!

"I know you're in here [Y/n]. Save both of us the trouble and just come out." Like hell you would. Just by the tune of his voice alone you could hear he was annoyed. When normal people are annoyed they roll their eyes or snap at a couple people occasionally. When Chisaki is annoyed, he fucking kills people.

'Just stay in the closet [Y/n].' He won't be able to find me in here. Unless he was a dog and sniffed me out, but he's not so I should be fine. "[Y/n] if you're trying to piss me off even more then you're doing a jolly fucking job, a round of applause ought to be given out to you," he scoffed.

'Nope, I'm not gonna budge.' I see right through your deception Chisaki. As soon as he finds me he's definitely not going to let me off with just a small scolding or a warning. In fact, I have no clue what ideas might be going through that pretty bird brain of his.

Overhaul sighed, "I'm not going to do anything to you doll, come here." He realized that maybe his first approach wasn't the best to draw you out so he changed it to a more...soft approach.

Now you were starting to consider actually coming out. He seemed less hot-headed than he did a few seconds ago so your punishment shouldn't be as severe, should it? Still, you were hesitant, so you stood your ground.

At this point the plague doctor wannabe actually started to consider that he might just be talking to himself and [Y/n] wasn't in the room at all. "God, I'm really losing it, aren't I?" He sat on the edge of [Y/n]'s bed. "She's making me go soft..." he mumbled to himself, but you still managed to pick up on it anyways.

Truth be told, Overhaul was exhausted. He had just returned from a tiresome mission and the first thing he did upon arrival was search for [Y/n]. He leaned backwards, until his back met with the soft fabrics of [Y/n]'s mattress. Her bed was much softer than his, and he made sure of it. He didn't want her stay at the Shie Hassaikai to be uncomfortable so he made sure that her furniture wasn't shitty, it was the least he could do.

Him on the other hand, he couldn't care any less about the quality of his mattress, a bed was a bed, all he did was sleep on it. Occasionally he would do other things on it too though, filthy things. You see, after he apprehended [Y/n] he started to have some strange dreams about her. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before, but it couldn't be helped, everything about her spoke 'sex appeal'. Even if she was fully clothed she could still turn him on. Afterwards he'd wake up from these dreams to find himself...a bit too excited and had to rid himself of this burden. He'd burn the sheets afterwards though. No one wants to sleep in that.

Overhaul felt his pants grow tighter from recalling the events of his most recent dream. "Shit." He cursed. "Not right now..."

You were still in the closet waiting for him to leave. But judging from the way he was laying cozily in your bed, that wasn't happening anytime soon. Might as well make myself comfortable. Just as you relaxed on a pile of clothes you heard the sound of a zipper coming undone. Naturally you cracked the closet door open to see what was going on, but oh how you wish you didn't.

There sat Chisaki, on her bed, with his hand...down his pants.

Thoughts of [Y/n]'s soft hands running through his brown hair, tugging it slightly as she straddled his waist occupied his mind. Her soft, pretty lips whispering dirty things in his ear, and the fact that he was currently in her room only made him even more turned on.

Without even realizing what it was that he was doing, he slipped his hand into his boxers and gripped his already hard member. "F-fuck~" Overhaul groaned quietly whiles pumping himself.

His mind ran wild with scenerios of him fucking you senseless. Overhaul's hand suddenly got quicker as he imagined that she was the one who was pumping his length in her hands right now, the thought giving him more pleasure.

"G...good f-fucking g..girl." the auburn male stated. The room began to feel hotter as sweat trickled down his forehead. How disgusting. "Mmm, want to," he started getting louder but in that moment he didn't care, or he just failed to notice. One thing was for sure, the girl in the closet didn't fail to notice at all.

Chisaki had his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy and mouth wide open to let air flow through, letting out occasional moans and calls of [Y/n]'s name. Picturing her on her knees in front of him taking his entirety into her mouth got him even closer to his release.

At this point he could feel himself about to explode. After a couple more quick pumps and soft moans he released into his hand. He felt repulsed with himself. In her room of all places too? How indecent. It was then that his eyes shot open because of a noise from closet. It was [Y/n]. She was there the entire fucking time, he scolded himself for not checking such an obvious place.

After the two stared at eachother for a while, she spoke. "That was actually really hot Chisaki, do it again."


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