15. Anniversary🎊

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This will be Sam and penny's anniversary ❤️
Sam's POV
Today me and penny had been together for 5 years. I asked Steele and his wife if they could look after Freddie and Eleanor and they agreed. Penny didn't know that yet but she was in for a day of treats. She was a heavy sleeper unless she heard the kids cry. So I went downstairs and got her a cup of tea and took it upstairs. I placed it down on the bedside table. I then laid beside her and pulled her into me. I began to kiss her face and made a train towards her lips. I began to kiss her sweetly as she woke up and kissed me back. I pulled back and laid her on me. She looked up at me. She's just so cute. "Happy anniversary princess" I say to her. "Happy anniversary love" she replies. I tell her there is a tea on the side for her as she immediately gets of me to go grab her tea. " I think you love tea more than me" I say laughing. She takes a sip of her tea and turns to me with eyes wide. " i could never love anything more than you" she says. By now I'm getting out of bed and going to get dressed. "Wait where are the kids" she said freaking out. I smile " don't worry their with Steele and his wife. Cause today is all about you and I. It's going to be the best day of your life love".
We both get dressed and I tell her to get in Venus. That is technically penny's personal car but others used it sometimes at the station. I hop in the drivers seat as we set of for our journey. " sammyyyyyyy tell meeee where we are goingggg" she begs. " angel I love you but please stop asking me". She huffs and faces the window to act like she's mad at me. I pull into where we are going but she doesn't realise. I pull mine and her seatbelts of and lean over to her. I place my hand under her chin and get her to look at me. "Baby girl" I say. "I sorry love but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I want everything to be perfect for you." I kiss her lightly as I sigh turning away acting just like she did. " sammy..." she said I lean my head up at the top of the car as I hear her move and sit on my lap to get me to pay attention. "I'm sorry too. I know you want it perfect for me but I just wanted to know." I couldn't stay mad at her long and I wasn't already. I feel her start to kiss my neck and I pull her face away as I give her a hug. I open the car door as we both step out. I grab her hand as I lead the way to where we are going. I place my hands over her eyes. "Sammy...now I can't see how handsome you look." She said pouting. I laugh. "Well love were here now anyway. Open your eyes" I step back slightly but not for long as she turns around and leaps into my arms hugging me saying over again "thank you, thank you" I tell she's welcome. I had set up a blanket with food and it's was perfect because it was our favourite thing to do. I took her over to the blanket as we both enjoyed our food and each other's company. This day couldn't have gone any better. We end the day by looking up at the stars with her laying her head on my chest with the occasional kisses and whispers of words that make our hearts melt.
I loved this one❤️ my heart melted as I was writing it and reading it over. I don't think I've written this much in a day but hope you all enjoy😘🎊🎊😍

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