23. Following Sam&Penny😚

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Eleanors birthday chapter will be a delay till later tonight but this is just a chapter that came into my mind😎
Today was Sam and penny's day off. The rest of the team were yet to find out they were together. Sam was staying with penny for the day. He arrived there yesterday night when they had both finished their shifts. They went to penny's because Sam's house was right near the station so they would see Sam and penny leaving Sam's to do the thing that Sam had planned for penny.
"Sam can we go yet pleaseeee??!!" Penny begged Sam. Sam had already told her they were going somewhere today but not what. "Yes penny were just going." Sam said shaking his head at the love of his life. Sam grabbed penny's car keys and she pouted at him. "You think your driving my car!" She said with a raised eyebrow. "Well that was the plan princess." He replied opening the passenger seat for her. She got in and he shut the door and got in the drivers seat. "Sam please don't crash my car." "If I can drive Jupiter without crashing I can drive your precious car without crashing". With that the set off.
Meanwhile with the team....
Elvis and Ellie along with Arnold were just cleaning the vehicles when a thought had come into Ellie's mind. "Hey why don't because we're not busy today go see if we can see what Sam's doing. SO Steele has that tracker which connects to all of our phones so they know where we are in case of an emergency." "You know Ellie that's a brilliant idea" Elvis said. Steele agreed to their idea and they hopped in Jupiter and Venus and looked at Sam's tracker. It said he was on the move and he was heading towards the campsite. "Ellie and Arnold Sam is at the campsite." Elvis radioed over. They all set of in need to find out what their leader did when he wasn't at work....
Sam had placed a blindfold around penny's eyes so she couldn't see the way they were going. "Okay angel were here now. I'm getting out of the car and I'm going to help you out. Oh and your car is still in one piece." Penny rolled her eyes even though Sam couldn't see what she was doing. He opened the car door and let her out. He grabbed her hand gently and walked her forward. He had set up her favourite thing to do. Watch her favourite movie under fairy lights with blankets. He walked her closer and told her to sit her down she sat down and asked him " Sam why can I feel something warm but my arms are slightly cold." "Hang on love take my jacket." He hands her his jacket and places it around her. He takes the blindfold of as she gasps. "Sam,it's beautiful. I love you so much!!"she hugs him tightly. "I love you too." He says as he kisses her. Sam sits down beside her and they watch penny's favourite film...titanic.
With the team...
They had arrived at the sight and it confused them. Penny's car was here but not Sam's. "Maybe they are here together?" Arnold suggests. They walk to wear Sam's tracker said he was and they gasped. They see the white fairy lights and the blankets and two of their coworkers cuddled up watching a movie. "Maybe we should leave them?" Ellie said. "Agreed" they said at the same time and they walked away. While penny and Sam stayed watching movies with each other.

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