30.Secret Admirer

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Penny POV

I arrived at work just before lunch. I already was at work but at the ocean centre washing Neptune and Juno while Ben washed Titan. I went to put my bag in my locker but there was a note:
Dear Penny,
Meet me on the balcony of the fire station at 8pm.
From ??? x

I had no idea who it was from. It had been printed. I placed it in my pocket which was on my shirt and finally placed my bag in my locker and went up the stairs where everyone was. I went into the kitchen to see that Elvis was cooking and the others were having a conversation which soon stopped when i walked in. They had their eyes on me as if i had something on my face. I put it past me as i walked to the cupboard and grabbed out cleaning supplies for Venus. I then went over to pole and lightly chucked the supplies down into the bucket i left down there. I slid down the pole shortly after and walked to clean and sort out Venus. After a while i heard someone come behind me.It was Arnold. "Hey Penny. Are you okay?" He asked. 
"Yeah i guess i am. Its just somethings bothering me but don't worry about it." I say reaching for a sponge.
"Come on you can tell me."
"Was you upstairs with the others ruffly 20 minutes ago." I ask.
"No ive just got on shift after helping Tom at the Mountain rescue centre."
"Well basically... when i got on shift there was a note in my locker and it told me to meet someone on the balcony at 8pm." I say wondering if he knew anything."The only problem is its been done by a computer."
"No Penny i don't sorry." He says.
"Don't worry about it Elvis has made lunch upstairs but im not hungry so if he asks just tell him." I say going back to finishing off cleaning Venus.

It was 7:50 pm and i had to go meet this mysterious admirer on the balcony. This could be anyone. My thoughts wanted it to be Sam. He was the only one that i love so i have to hope and prey that its him. No one was around i didn't know where anyone was. Steele wasn't even in the office. I had come to the office as there was paperwork that needed doing. The next time that i looked at the clock it was 7:59. I got up and walked to the door.I opened the door to see balloons were tied to the sides and there was this huge banner that said will you be my girlfriend? I felt a hand on my shoulder to see that it was .... Sam. He looked at me and said "So.. Will you?". I felt the tears come to my eyes as i nodded and said"Yes!!" He smiled and lifted me up and kissed me. We whispered the i love yous as i knew the team where their. Best Admirer Ever!!


Sorry for the delay in these. Im working on more stories that should be up within this weekend so keep looking out.

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