27. Lockdown

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I got this idea from seeing others stories on their intake on lockdown so this gave me the idea to write one about Sam having corona and penny having to look after him while their romance comes together.

Sam's POV

I had been feeling ill for the last few days and since i was not at the station i decided i would get a coronavirus test. I hadn't told anyone i was having one because i know that i would be taken off duty and wouldn't be back for 14 days. I had arrived at the centre just outside of pontypandy and had the test done. I was told the results would be back within the next 24 hours. I arrived home and went up stairs where radar followed me. After a few hours my phone went off. It was the government place. I had covid. The only one that i had contact with was penny. I had to tell Steele and Penny. Elvis, Ellie and Arnold had their shift together while me and penny had a shift together. I knew that Steele had put me and Penny on shift together because he knew that i liked her. "hey sir. I don't want to tell you this but ive got to. I have covid. The only one i have been in contact with is penny." I told him. "Ah Sam thanks for telling me. However, Penny will have to stay with you in case your symptoms get worse than what they already are." He spoke to me a little bit more and said that Penny would be arriving in a few minutes. The only problem was i only had one bedroom. Penny would have to sleep there while i would sleep on the sofa. My doorbell had gone off. I opened it to see penny standing there with a bag. I welcomed her in and took her bag into my bedroom. She walked into the living room and sat down. I came and sat down beside her. "Sorry Penny" I say looking at the floor. "Why are you sorry for Sam?" "You should not be here with me all because i caught the stupid virus." I feel her move closer to me. "Sam there is no need for you to be sorry. I may have it but im just scared to be tested. I don't want to here you say that its your fault. Okay Sammy." She lifts my head up so that i am looking in her eyes. "Okay Pen." I say. She leans back as i turn the tv on. "What do you want to watch?" " Um... whatever you want to watch" I turn the channel to see that Mamma Mia is on. I kept this on because Penny seemed to enjoy it. I felt a light weight on my shoulder to see that Penny has leant her head on my shoulder. "Sorry. I can move it." " No your fine." I say giving her a smile. She smiles back as we watch the end of the movie. Once the credits begin to roll i turn to Penny. "Are you hungry?" "I am a bit..." "Great come on we can cook." I grab her hand as i take her into the kitchen. I begin to cook Spaghetti as i know that its one of her favourites. Once finished i take her plate over as we begin eating. I place the plates in the sink. Ill do them in the morning. I let Penny shower first as i head upstairs to take mine. Once finished she was waiting on the landing with her arms crossed. "Where are you sleeping tonight?" "Im downstairs while your in my room." She raises one of her eyebrows. "Listen Sammy. This isn't my house. Your in your own room and ill be on the sofa downstairs." She goes to walk down to the living room as i grab her arm. "No! You will sleep in the bed while i sleep on the sofa" She goes to try and walk away before i grab her and put her over my shoulder. "NOOO SAMMMMM PUT ME DOWN!!!" I open the door and say"Gladly" I gently place her down on the bed. She huffs. "There. I put you down." She try's to get up so i stand in front of her and push her down. She smirks "Ya know Sam if you wanted me in your bed you could have asked." I laugh and lean down. "Of course Penny." I stand back up and walk to the door. "Good night Pen." She smiles. "Good night Sammy."


The next day

Penny's POV

I wake up and it takes me a few minutes to realise where i am but i remember. Im at Sams. I walk down stairs thinking Sam would be awake but his not. I walk over to him and place my hand on his forehead. Temperature. Another symptom of covid. He already has a cough and cant taste a lot but if his temperature was above 37 then he was going to be drained for the next few days. "Sam" i say quietly shaking him. He turns and looks shocked to see me. " Am i dreaming?" I begin to laugh. "Nah ya not you dummy." By now hes fully awake. "Your forehead is really hot. Have you got a thermometer." " Yeah its on the table over there they gave me one yesterday just in case i need it." I stand up and go over to were he told me it is. I take it out of the box and walk back over to him. "Need you to sit up Sam." He does as i ask and i take his temperature. 40. "Sam you have a really high temperature. You need to lay down in your own bed." I help him up as we walks in the bedroom and lays down. As i go to walk away he grabs my hand "Penny can you um stay with me. I understand if you don't want to." I take off my dressing gown and lay beside him. I feel him turn to face me. "Hey penny... um can i tell you something?" " Yeah sure whats up." "Well... ever since you walked into the station 5 years ago i felt something towards you. But i never said anything. And well recently i have um been getting feelings towards you I don't want to lose you as my best friend but i really love you and cant ive without you." My heart sinks. This is all i ever dreamed off. He sighs and goes to turn over but i stop him. " Sam" I say placing my hand on his arm. "I love you too. I always thought you never felt anything other than a friendship towards me." I stand and lean up so im in line with his face. I lower my lips to his as his hands find there way to my waist. "Ya know gorgeous" he begins as he breaks away. " I think that having the virus is the best thing that's happened to me." I laugh before saying " I agree." With that he places his lips back on mine not wanting it to end.


Thanks for reading sorry it took forever to upload but this upload was done with my laptop. I hope you enjoy it. 

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