20. Eleanors Word❤️

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Sam's POV
We were all at the station on a normal day. We knew that Norman wouldn't be causing any trouble because he was at his aunts for the week. Everyone was in the living room talking while the tv was playing lightly in the background. Penny had just gone to get Freddie from the office as that's where they go when they have their nap but Eleanor hasn't had her nap yet she just wouldn't go to sleep. She's already 10 months but we just couldn't believe it. Penny walked back in with Freddie as Elvis brung in tea for everyone. I placed Eleanor on the floor in the little mat with Freddie while they played or just layer there. Penny came and set next to me. Eleanor wasn't on the floor for long because she grabbed my leg and I lifted her up. "Dada luv u". I was shocked. Where did she learn that from? Penny looked at me "you taught her to say that before she said mumma" she said trying her best to look angry at me. "I'm sorry love but she just prefers me to you" I say smirking. "Take that back Jones now or your sleeping at the office tonight!!!" She exclaimed. "Alright baby I take it back" I say laughing. Eleanor comes between us and puts her face with penny's "mumma Jones!!!" I see penny's face. It's like her whole world had changed. "Happy now penny?" I say. Everyone laughs. "Yep I am although it didn't bother me before. It could have been worse she could have said Elvis' name first" she said laughing as Elvis face changed.
Sorry if this one is a bit bad it was all I could think of for the first word but hope you all enjoyed it ❤️❤️❤️😊😊

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