28. Kidnapped

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Penny's POV

I had woken up in a dark room with little light coming from it. My head hurt. I tried to lift my hand up to my head but couldn't. "Penny are you awake". A voice whispers. I try my best to look over and when i manage it i see that its James. Oh god. Where was Sam or Charlie? "James, are you okay?" I whisper in case someone is listening in. "Yeah im fine." I see him get up and walk over to me. He tries to undo my restraints. We hear footsteps. "James i need you to go over there and pretend to be asleep or knocked out okay?" "Yeah penny." He does as i ask and then that's when the door opens. "Ah penny your awake." I look up to see that its my step brother, Alex. "Alex what are you doing? Why am i in these restrains?" "Well penny, you see when you where younger you took the spot light away from me. And now that Dad is feeling better he wont ever have to see you again."I look up. "Oh yeah and penny if i were you i would answer these questions correctly or the boy gets hit." I nod. "Okay 1st question. Is this boy your son and whats his name?" "His name is James Jones and he is the son of my coworkers brother." He walks over to a table in the corner. I see him pick up a knife. I tense up and hope he doesn't go for James cause then Sam wouldn't trust me ever again. "Well penny you told the correct answer but now i get to hurt you." He places a blindfold over my eyes. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I scream as i feel the blade pierce my skin and gets dragged through my body. "Penny im sorry!" James screams. I can hear the tears in his voice. "Alex please not in front of James." The blindfold gets taken from my face as i bite my lip to hold back the screams of pain. He walks over to James and picks him up and places him in the closet. He locks the door as i mouth to James "Stay quiet". Alex proceeds to walk back over to me as I feel him undo my restrains only to place me in more in the corner on the bed as I know whats going to happen next.


With Sam and the team.

Sams pov

Me and the team were washing Jupiter while we waited for penny to arrive back from the shop. Someone had walked in but it wasn't Penny. It was my brother Charlie and Bronwyn along with Sarah. "Hey Charlie whats up?" He has tears in his eyes. Everyone looks at him. "James is missing. He went to go to see Gareth but he said that James hadn't arrived." Come to think of it Penny had been gone for over 5 hours. "Charlie... he isn't the only one that's not around Penny hasn't come back from the shops yet." We all begin to look worried. "Hey post!" I look up to see the mail man carrying a parcel. I take it from his arms i thank him and he walks away. I place the parcel on the floor and open it. "There is a CD in here." "We can play it in the office" Everyone follow me into the office where i place the CD in the tray and watch as the video comes up. We see that its Penny tied to a chair. There is faint whispering going on. "James!" We hear Sarah shout as we see James walk over to Penny but not for long. As James walks back out of frame a man walks into view. He begins to ask Penny questions and then takes James into the closet as we see that Penny is covered in bruises and cuts. Then the video cut out... "Oh GOD what do we do?". I look to see that there is a field behind in the small window. "Wait look there its a field. There at the mountains in the abandoned shack." Ellie begins to phone the police and tells them to meet us there.Charlie along with Bronwyn and Sarah join us.


Skip back to Penny and James by 1 hour

Penny's Pov

I awake to see that James had come and laid beside me. Alex must have let him out once he had finished raping me. "Hey James.." I feel him stir beside me. "Penny did that monster hurt you?". I sit up and pull him up with me. He begins to shiver as i grab a blanket wrapping us up to protect him. "Yeah James he did that's why im hurt but don't you worry i will protect you with all that i can." I feel him snuggle further into me as he says " Thanks penny. You know i think uncle Sam was right. You really are the best person ever." I laugh. "Thanks James. I think the same about your Uncle." "Penny are you and Uncle Sam dating?" I think about his question. We have been but both agreed we wouldn't tell anyone because we didn't want anyone to know at least not yet but i knew that i had to tell James. " Yeah James we are. But its a secret no one else other than you knows." He throws a fist in the air. "Yes!! Does that mean that i can call you Auntie Penny." I smile down at him. "You can call me anything you want to..." I go to finish my sentence before i hear a door open. I become still. I pull James behind me to protect him. "Police!!" The door where me and James are opens. "Hey its okay." Everyone begins running in as they see me and James. "JAMES!!!" Bronwyn and Charlie along with Sarah run over to James as he whimpers and turns to me for protection. I hug him closer as they back away. "Penny.." I look up to see Sam walking closer to us. "Hey James its only Sam okay." I feel him nod as he leans his head lightly up. "James is okay. Alex didn't touch him. I made sure of it." I look to the floor in shame in case Bronwyn or Charlie or even Sam had to shout at me. James was slowly taken from my arms by Arnold while Sam took my hand and helped me up. Me and James were admitted into hospital but James didn't want to leave my side so we were in the same room with everyone. It was silent in the room till the doctor came in saying we can go home tomorrow. "Excuse me doctor". Everyone looked at James. "Yes lad." "Um...." The doctor got down to James' level who was sitting directly beside me. "Can you check Penny out? She was attacked by the man on the bed." The doctor looked at me and i nodded. I gave him the look to not tell anyone. He nodded...


The other part of this chapter will be out later. I hope you enjoy this part.

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