18. 1st things 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

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Penny's POV
I woke up earlier than usual because it was my and Sam's wedding anniversary. He had something planned on our 5 year anniversary of being together. So I had something planned today. The only thing that Sam had done so far was taken Eleanor and Freddie to Charlie and bronwyns for the day. I was laying beside Sam and he had set an alarm which I noticed yesterday but I turned it off so he wouldn't wake up. I leaned my self up and started to kiss his neck and face to slowly wake him up. He  began to stir so I leaned my face slightly over his so it would be a shock to when he woke up. I saw his blue eyes open. "Angel what are you doing? What's the time?" "Well it's 10:30 and I know you set your alarm but I turned it off because I have something planned for you today." I say smiling. He smiles back and grabs my waist to lay me down so he's above me. "Happy anniversary Mrs Jones!" "Happy anniversary handsome!" I reply. "Well come on then we've got a brilliant day planned!"
Time skip to at the destination
I had taken the trip behind the wheel but we hadn't gone far yet. I pulled up outside the water rescue centre and told Sam to enter and get into his waterproofs. "Pen, babes what are we doing?" "Well I have a surprise so now we are in our suits I need you to get on Neptune even though your normally on Juno but I don't know how to ride that yet so we're using Neptune." I say. I hop behind the wheel but as I do i feel someone stand behind me and wrap their arms around me. Of course it's Sam. "I just want to be close to my wife!" I laugh. I begin to launch Neptune and begin the trip. "So where are we going. Please tell me penny. If you love me tell meeeee" he says poking me. "We're almost there babes not much longer". I steer the boat over to pontypandy island. "What we doing here love?" "Just wait and see sammy!" I tell him to take of his waterproofs as I hook Neptune up to the post so the boat won't float away. I take mine of and place them in the bag with Sam's. I grab his hand as we walk to the spot. I decide I was going to do what he done for me. A picnic with just the two of us. I tell Sam to lean down as I jump on his back for a piggy back and close his eyes and tell him to walk straight. "Okay Sam stop here" I tell him. I hop of his back and lay down on the blanket I had Ben and Ellie set up earlier. "Okay open your eyes!" I scream. "What? Oh pen I love it" he says walking to sit next to me as we just enjoy each other's company. He lifts my head up so it's on his chest. Then on of our phones ring. "Penny speaking." " Hey penny! Nothings wrong with um Eleanor or Freddie but we just need to show you something!!!" Its bronwyn. I place the phone on FaceTime as bronwyn facetimes is. I place it on mine and Sam's face. "Ok are you two ready?" "Yeah we are" Sam replies. "Okay Freddie say it again" "Mumma". My heart! He said mumma. "Freddie! Well done!" "Dadda" I look at Sam to see the tears. "Okay penny that's all we wanted to show you! Bye" "bye". I place the phone down and look to Sam. "He said his first words mumma and dadda" "angel are you crying?" He says and looks me in my chocolate eyes as he calls them. "N-no of course I'm not!" I say. He begins to laugh as we lay listening to the quiet sounds of the island. Just the two of us!!
I hope you all enjoy it's sorta of a surprise cause it's two in one what people asked for❤️❤️❤️❤️

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