Chapter 4 - It's Over

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(I edited a few sentences, nothing major, it was just Tommy dropping his items at the base of the tower to trick Dream into thinking he was dead)


Why did he do this? He didn't have to do this.

It's my fault.
I did something I shouldn't have.
And now I'm paying the price.

Why did I do that?
I knew Dream would get mad so why?
Why did I do that?

'Because he's not your friend'
'Not your friend'
'He hurt you'
'Hurt him'
'Hurt him back'
'He was never your friend'

He's not my friend.
He was never my friend

I've been alone this whole time.

I can't keep doing this.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Tommy pillared up with the remaining materials he still had on him.
Soon enough he was able to see over all of logsteadshire. Well. What was left of logsteadshire at least.
"I guess this is it. This is where it all ends. I'm sorry Wilbur, I'm sorry Tubbo, Techno, Fundy, everyone.
I can't keep doing this."

'Then why jump?'

"Huh? Who said that?"
Tommy looked around him.

No one.

'Why should you jump?'
'They won't care'
'Do it'
'Not yet'
'Come on'
'Jump already'

"Argh just shut up!" Tommy yelled.

It went silent again.

"God damn it!"
Tears fell down his face.
"I can't even die right! Why the hell am I hesitating?"
He sat down on the top of the pillar with his head in his hands and looked at everything he had created.

"I have no one.
No home.
No friends.
Not even Dream.
He was never my friend.
He was just using me.
Why can't I ever do anything right?"

'Then jump'


'Jump. No one will care.'
'Or you could kill him instead.'
'Kill Dream'
'Hurt him'
'He hurt you'
'You should kill him'

"Kill Dream? I-I mean it does have a nice ring to it. But who am I compared to him?
I-I'm nothing.
I'm a nobody.
I KNOW that.
I'm not even Tommy anymore."

'Don't be.'
'Don't be Tommy'
'Tommy's weak'
'You're not weak'
'Why be weak?'
'Be no one'
'Be nothing'
'You are nothing'
'Own it'
'You're nothing anymore'
'You're a nobody'

"I'm a nobody..."

'A nameless man is far more powerful'
'Names hold power'
'No one can hold power over you anymore'
'Kill him'
'Kill Dream'

"Yeah. Yeah! Why the hell should I listen to Dream! He said it himself, I'm no one!
I don't have to rely on him!
I don't have to rely on anyone!
That's it!
I'll be no one.
Tommyinnit is a dead man!
Now I'm in control!"

He now stood on the top of the pillar, arms spread wide, a wide, psychotic smile on his face.

"Call me Tommy all you like world. That name holds no power over me now!
I choose my fate!
I choose what happens to me!
And no one!
NO ONE can stand in my way!"

Tommy threw his arms out wide.


And with that he jumped. He fell from the tower and plunged himself into the cold waters below.
The voices in his head were all screaming.
Yelling words of encouragement.
Encouragement to kill Dream.

'Kill him'
'Tear him apart'
'Kill the bastard'
'Kill him'
'Bring Chaos'
'Kill them all'
'Kill everyone'
'Kill everyone who hurt you'

'Massacre them'

'Massacre. I like that.'

Tommy rose from the water, drenched, but a smile still on his face. A thought crossed his mind as he dropped his remaining items on the floor.

'Now Dream will think I'm dead.'

His eyes were locked onto one target now. Find Techno's house. Get resources. Kill Dream.

"From now on I am no longer Tommyinnit.
From now on.

I am massacre."

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