Chapter 13 - Massacre

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⚠️⚠️ WARNING there is going to be blood, gore and violence in the chapter ahead! It will also include some rather negative comments about ones self and hysterical insanity.
If you do not like any of the above then please skip this chapter and go onto the next one once I have published it.
If you find this hard to read for any way then please click off of it.
If the description of the violence or negative mindset triggers you in any way then PLEASE do not. And I repeat DO NOT! Read this chapter.
Thank you for your time and for reading this warning. If you are still reading then I hope you enjoy this chapter! ⚠️ ⚠️
This chapter is one of the longest I've written and I love it! Hope you all do to!


It was quiet.

The voices in his mind were so quiet yet so deafeningly loud.

Even the slightest of whispers sounded like a bomb shell in the silence of the moonless night.

He crept through the trees, staying hidden within the shadows, red eyes glowing ever so faintly in the dark.

No one was outside.

They were all asleep.

'Go in.'

He hesitated.
He knew that he wanted to.
He needed to.

His blood rushed like a fountain through his veins, pulses of hate and anguish streaming through his body, fuelling his desires even more.

He wanted to do this.
But what if he made a mistake?
What if someone got away?
What if HE found him all the way out here.
He couldn't let that happen.

He WOULDN'T let that happen.

And so he snuck into the first house...

Two people.
Brothers from the looks of it.

Oh how he would enjoy this.

Massacre went into the first bedroom. And there he was. A tall brown haired man.
He was sleeping so peacefully.
If only he knew.

Massacre raised the netherite dagger he had stolen from Techno and plunged it into the mans throat repeatedly.
Fountains of crimson spilled across the bed as the man choked on his blood, spluttering and gargling until the light left his eyes.
Tears were streamed down the mans face, eyes still wide open.
He had been so violent when stabbing the man.
His head was barely even attached to his shoulders.
Massacre panted quietly.
He couldn't risk being heard until the other man was dead.

And so he went to the room across the hall.
And there was another.
He was smaller than the last, dark brown, nearly black hair fell round his head like a halo.

He was less angry now.
So he only stabbed him once.
He raised his knife once again.
Straight into the younger mans throat.
He too choked on his own blood.
When pulling out the blade some of it sprayed onto Massacre's mask leaving a small streak of red.

A small, breathless laugh left Massacre's lips as the other man too lost the light in his eyes.
He couldn't believe it.
He had just killed someone.
With his own two hands.

He laughed some more clutching at his hair as he collapsed to the floor.
It felt so GOOD.
Why did it feel that way?
Why did if feel so euphoric to end another's life?
An ear splitting grin made its way onto Massacre's face.
Hollow red eyes glowing intensely in the dark room.
He kept chuckling as he left the first house, blade in his hand.

'Onto the second.'

There were four people this time.
He needed to be quick.
And so he was.
Two couples.
Each in separate rooms.
He went to the first door and pushed it open ever so slightly.
There they were.
Two men peacefully laying beside each other.

Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now