Chapter 31 - Walk back

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Massacre made his way through the trees and back to the temple.
The voices where quiet.
Why were they quiet?
Beforehand they were so loud when he was killing, so why not now?

'We were. You just didn't hear us.'

'What do you mean?'

'You chose to ignore us.
You were more focused on your hunt then on us.'

'Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you.'

'Eh, it's alright kid a few of them are still salty but they'll get over it'

'I didn't think that it was possible.
Technoblade hears voices, so do Wilbur and Philza, they've all said that it's impossible to drown them out.'

'How long have they had these voices?
If it was from a curse or triggered by their own mind then no, they would not be able to drown them out.
Because we are spirits and therefore weren't created by your mind, it's understandable that you could ignore us.
Nice to know you haven't been though.'

'Techno has had his voices for as long as I remember, he said it was a curse, that the malevolent soul of anyone he kills lives in his mind to forever haunt him.
Wilbur caused his own during Pogtopia. He had them before, but they were never that bad, more like intrusive thoughts.
Phil has never told me why he has voices, but they don't hurt him in the way Techno and Wilbur's do.
They're more like you guys.'

'You know a lot about the voices'

'Everyone had them, I just wanted to be safe and know what to expect if it ever happened to me.'

'So that's why you weren't surprised when you heard us.'

'Not one bit'

'I'm glad, I would have hate to put you in excessive mental stress.'

'Nightmare you made me kill people...'



'You had fun today though right?'

Yeah it was kinda fun.'

'See! I'm not all that bad!'

'You got me addicted to killing!'

'Oh come on! You wanted to kill before! I just gave you a little push!'

'If you weren't already dead I would strangle you! You pretentious, egotistical son of a bitch!'


'Yeah, yeah go fuck yourself.'

Nightmare glared at him, it wasn't hateful, but it certainly wasn't nice either.
Tommy chuckled as the clearing came into view.

"Finally! I thought we'd be walking forever."

'Oh stop complaining kid.'

"Easy for you to say, you weren't the one chasing after people."

'Oh no, you ran after a woman and beat the shit out of her, how horrible that must have been for you.'

Tommy wanted to punch him.
Gods he wanted to punch him SO BAD.

'Calm down kiddo.
Don't want to go into a rage again.
It's okay, we know he's a dick.
You kinda are.
I think he's fine!
You would!
Alright you guys can shut the fuck up.'

Tommy laughed once again. He forgot how much fun these guys could be when they were just talking amongst themselves.
Seriously they argue so much but it's always fun to listen to.
They also tend to tell stories and jokes.
We aren't gonna talk about the tinnitus mother fucked constantly screaming E, he still wanted to hit them.

'You're not gonna stop those ones kid, believe me, I've tried.'

'Doesn't mean it can't annoy me.'

'True true.'

'Anyway what should I do now? I've got food, water, materials, my blood lust has gone down. I don't really know what to do now.'

'Why not put the materials to good use and start fixing up the temple?'

'But that means effort!'

'Then be bored I guess.'



'Fine, I'll start cleaning.
If you guys want anything being put in a particular location or room just tell me, I know how annoying it is when your stuff isn't where you want it.'

And with that he got to cleaning.
He was gonna be so fucking tired later.

Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now