Chapter 44 - Canvas

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Killing Ghostbur was the last straw that broke the camels back, or in this case, Tommy's mind. Now let's get to the story.

You okay kid?

Nightmare said, staring at the back of the young boys head. He hadn't said anything since he woke up and it was staring to worry the ghost. What if he was having second thought about killing dream? What would happen then? What if he had lost more memories? What if he had forgotten about nightmare?

"I can hear you thinking about all the what if's from here."

I'm worried about him Ranboo, he's never this quiet, he's not even replying to Maria. He ALWAYS reply's to Maria.

"Maybe he just needs time. He did kill his brother after all"

What if he's having second thoughts?

"Then so be it. We've waited this long, we can wait a few more years if necessary."

I don't WANT to wait a few more years! Unlike YOU I'm trapped flicking between the mind of a child with amnesia that's progressively getting worse, and the bastard that killed the both of us. I don't have free reign of a body like you do.
Even if that body is only half you.

"Trust me nightmare. You wouldn't want to be in my situation. That THING that brought me back to life is manipulative and disgusting and invasive. Every time I look at myself I'm reminded that half of the time I'm not even me. Half of the time I die all over again and I don't even know what that possessed side is doing. It could kill anyone I hold dear and I wouldn't know until it's far too late."

I know.
It's not fair. What happened to us.
What is still happening to us.
But it's gonna be over soon.

"Unless the kid backs out."

Unless the kid backs out.

It was the early evening before Tommy stirred. He didn't move much but he lowered his head slightly, releasing the tension that was building up in his neck.
And then he spoke.


The ghost jumped, he didn't expect the kid to be speak out of the blue like that.

Yeah kid?

"Why is it that death is a double edged blade?"

What do you mean?

Massacre sighed.

"It's like a macabre sculpture you can only create once, but you have to sell fragments of your soul for each canvas you acquire."

I've never thought of death as anything but hatred.
But I understand having to sell your soul to do so.
Taking a life is not easy.

"Not at first. But you get used to it quite quickly. It's either that, or become a canvas in which death itself paints onto."

You're calm

"I am"

You killed your brother.
He's never coming back you know.

"... I know."

Would you want to bring him back if you could?


...Would you hesitate to kill others?

"What's the point? Like I said, it's kill or be killed, and hesitation will only lead to pain."


"You're scared."

You've never been like this before

"I've never had to kill family before."

I suppose.

Massacre sighed and stood up. There was still work that had to be done. There was training, resource gathering, hunting. So much to do and so little time.

He went up the stairs once again, it had been a little while since he last hunted, should be fun to do again regardless of the cost of gaining a new canvas.

He didn't care how many people he had to kill in order to get better, so long as he had one fragment left of his soul.

One fragment.

To make Dream his final masterpiece.


Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now