Chapter 21 - Grey skies

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Techno returned to his house once the sun rose, blood stained his clothes from head to toe.
The voices were quieter now but they never once stopped talking about the clothes he had hidden under his cloak.

The torn, blood stained clothes that once belonged to his little brother were still folded into a ball.

What was he going to tell the others?

They should know.

They deserved to know.

But they shouldn't.
It should be a secret that he takes to his grave.
He should never have to tell them that they were too late.
Not again.
Not when they still believe that there was a chance.

Techno left the tree line and staggered into his house.
Tears stung at his eyes once again.
Guess it's time the others found out the truth.


No one left the house that day.

No one was left alone.

They all stayed by each others side and mourned the loss of a brother.
And the loss of a son.

Tears were shed, throats became sore, eyes stung, and lungs screamed for air.
But they didn't care.
They didn't care how much it hurt. They didn't care when the tears could no longer fall.

They just stayed together, and held on like their lives depended on it.
Because for some of them, that was the truth in their minds.


Phil left his sons in the house the next day. Techno insisted that he should come along, but Phil was right when he said that it was his duty as Tommy's father to tell the others what had happened.

Especially given as it was his fault.

If only he hadn't stopped techno from leaving.

Would he have been able to find Tommy before it was too late?
Would his sons ghost still be here telling stupid jokes and yelling about women and how much he loved them?
Or would his ghost be different?
Would it have been more reserved?

Given the circumstances of his death, Phil wasn't so sure what would have come of his son once he became a ghost.
If the ghost could even be called his son afterwards.

He shook those thoughts from his head.
He couldn't think about 'what if's. It was too much of a dangerous game.
That was something he told to all of his sons.
Don't think about the what if's, don't think about what could have happened.

But it was easier said then done.


Quackity was the first person he ran into.
He responded with anger.
He screamed and shouted, telling Phil that he was lying.
That Tommy was still alive.
Tears fell down his face and the news finally hit him.
He went silent.
No words were spoken but Phil could see what he wanted to say.

Puffy was next.
She cried.
At first she tried to deny it.
But she couldn't do so for long.
She fell to the floor and cried, trying to muffle her sobs in her hands.
Phil wrapped his wings ground her and held her till she stopped crying.
His tears could no longer fall.
But he didn't want the others to be alone in their pain.

Bad and Skeppy were next.
They didn't react all that much.
They hadn't known Tommy all that well so what were they meant to do?
They gave their condolences.
Bad told Phil that if there was anything he could do then to just ask.
But they parted ways quickly.

Then he found George, Sapnap.
And Dream.
They were together like always.
Dream however was silent.
Not saying a word and even with the mask Phil could tell that something was bothering him.
He walked up to the group and was greeted joyfully.
He couldn't return their smiles.
Sapnap asked him if he was okay.
He didn't get the chance to reply before green clad arms wrapped around him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Dream chanted over and over again.
Sobs wracked his body as he held Phil even tighter.

"I didn't want this. I'm so sorry Phil please. Please don't hate me. I never meant for this."

Phil didn't reply. But he did place a hand on the back of the blonds head and stroked his hair gently.
Embraced in a hug Dream finally let go of everything he had held in.
All the hate, the anger, the sadness, and the guilt, washed away with his tears, leaving a small, frail boy in Phil's arms.
Phil looked to the others who were staring at their friend worriedly.

"Tommy's dead.
He killed himself 2 days ago while in exile.
His ghost got caught in a snow storm and no longer exists."

Dream tensed and started to cry even more at what Phil had said.

Phil left once Dream had calmed down.

But Dream stood still, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only.

The book.

He could bring him back.
He could bring Tommy back and set everything right once again.

He HAD to.

He had to apologise.

He had to beg for forgiveness.

He HAD to do this.

For Tommy.


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