Bullet points of unwritten chapters

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So a few people have asked what my final plans were so I thought I'd put my bullet points in a new chapter. These have been planned for a long while now but I never got round to writing them. I hope you enjoy the final ending of massacre.
Of course if you don't like this ending feel free to make up your own, artistic representation is up for grabs, do with this story what you will. (Just make sure to credit me if you want to re-write it 😉)

⚠️ mentions of death, underaged drinking, suicide, child abuse, dislocation, and torture. Please don't read if you are sensitive to this content. ⚠️


Tommy gets bored of killing random people and decides to start killing in more populated areas such as nearby villages and towns.

47 - RUMOUR -
Rumours of a new killer comes to the SMP. People start to get scared and Tubbo becomes more paranoid about loosing more of his friends.

Phil comes to L'Manburg during all of this to 'check in' on Tubbo. Tubbo snaps and threatens to kill Phil. Techno gets angry and an argument breaks out where Tubbo hints at Phil being abusive during his childhood, but doesn't confirm or deny any of the questions Techno asks.

49 - BROKEN -
Tubbo's mental stability is practically gone. He's now resorted to locking his closest friends in their houses when they disobey him and setting ridiculous curfews with very harsh punishments. He's constantly drinking and always wearing his sword and armour.

Quackity confronts Tubbo and tries to get him to see reason but he accidentally tells Tubbo that he's acting like Schlatt. Tubbo gets angry and smashes a bottle into Quackity's face, cutting the side of it and blinding him in one eye.

Tommy mind is even worse, he barely remembers anything and he acts off whenever fake Ranboo is around. Nightmare tries to figure out what is happening to Tommy but is unsuccessful.

52 - RETURN -
Tommy's mind is dead. Massacre is jut a hollow vessel of anger and hate created by the fake ranboo. He keeps killing and after a particularly difficult hunt he finalises his resolve to kill Dream. He sets off from the stronghold with all of his important belongings and heads towards Exile.

53 - ONE. LAST. HUNT. -
Massacre finds Dream at Exile and they fight. It's quiet, no one else is around as witness. It's a close call but Massacre wins when Dream knocks his mask off and sees that it's Tommy he's fighting and hesitates. Dream tries to apologise but Massacre runs him through with a blank stare. Dream mutters and apology to Tommy under his breath before his body fades into an inky blackness, bloody tears falling down his cheeks.

Massacre feels scared and feint, his vision keeps going black and he feels weak, something is happening and he doesn't know what it is.
Nightmare explains everything, his and Dreams past, the fact that in order to kill an immortal a mortal soul has to be given as payment. He leaves massacre to die in the woods all alone.

55 - HOLLOW -
Massacre is close to death, as he drifts his memories start to come back. He starts to regret what he's done. He doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to be alone. But in his final moments that's all he is.

Ranboo and nightmare talk one last time as nightmare begins to fade away. He asks Ranboo why he kept erasing more and more of Tommy's memories. Ranboo says it is because he needed Tommy's body as a vessel for his 'creator'. He tells nightmare that 'fake Ranboo' was the reason he's alive, that after Dream killed them all something else possessed his body and he had no control when it chooses to do something.
The 'fake Ranboo' takes control and thanks Nightmare. He tells him that in order for his creator to have a vessel it needs to be a blank slate, and it needs to have no soul. Now that Tommy has killed Dream, he fits the criteria. All thanks to nightmare.

Everyone in L'Manburg confronts Tubbo. He's the spitting image of Schlatt. He refuses to back down and holds a blade to Phil's throat. "Bet this feels familiar doesn't it Phil?" He tells everyone what Phil and done to him and Tommy. That Phil used to torture Tommy and call it 'training'. That whenever Tommy didn't want to fight, Phil would turn his blade onto Tubbo and would torture and threaten to kill him till Tommy got up. He told them all that Phil used to send Techno and Wilbur off so that he could 'train' Tommy and Tubbo more without anyone in the way. Tubbo breaks down and between tears and laughter he blamed Phil for Tommy's suicide.

Knowing he can't kill Dream anymore, Tubbo resolves to killing Phil. Phil knocks Tubbo's sword away and goes to kill him but instead of fighting, Tubbo runs straight into Phil's sword and plunged his knife into Phil's neck. In his last moments he whispers to Phil "If I fall, so do you."

Everyone is scared and sad. Techno is in a heavy dissociated state and nothing will snap him out. As everyone morns a slow clap can be heard from behind the group.
Ranboo. And a hooded figure.
Bad, Skeppy, Ant, Hannah and Ponk all go to stand by them. The mystery person removes their hood to reveal Tommy, but he has red vines across his body and his voice is different. Garbled but easy to understand all the same. He preaches that he is finally free and is willing to gift said freedom to anyone who is willing to join him.

Commits suicide. His body found by the graves of his family members.
Continued as king. Died of old age with no children. The DreamSMP falls with him.
Set sail shortly after Tubbo died and didn't come back. No one knows if she's dead or alive.
Fell asleep in the woods and never woke up. He looks peaceful though.
Sapnap, Quackity and Karl-
Created and moved to kinoko kingdom under the protection of 'Tommy'.
Niki, Sam and Jack-
Joined together to try and destroy the egg and got killed in the process.
Joined the egg after Niki, Sam and Jack were killed.
Punz and Purpled-
Left shortly after Puffy and haven't been seen since.

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