(Not a chapter) VERY IMPORTANT!

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Hey guys this isn't a chapter but I implore all of you to read this, if only to educate yourselves on something new.
I know a lot of you in the comments talk about already having voices, or having other personalities, and I just wanted to use this opportunity to tell you all about dissociative identity disorder (DID), intrusive thoughts, and schizophrenia.

I know a lot of you are young and don't really know the difference between your inner voice (the voice you hear when read in your head) and actual auditory hallucinations. And I know for a lot of you it's a bit, a joke, but as someone who knows a person with DID it's not something to joke about.


DID, or as I said before, dissociative identity disorder, is when a person experienced severe trauma at a young age and because of that their mind fragmented instead of coming together.
Imagine a plate.
Every person whether they are young or old has a plate as their mind, when they get older that plate gets stronger and very hard to break, but as a child it is still fragile and is easier to break.
Instead of the plate forming correctly, like it would if the child hadn't been through trauma, it is instead dropped and shattered. Each part of that broken plate is a different personality, a different person entirely.
These people, or alters as they are correctly called, can be different genders and ages, they have their own pasts and beliefs, their own morals even, they have their own views of the world.
They are completely different people.
The correct term for a person with DID is a system.
And these alters can 'front' as it's called. When an alter fronts it means that that alter is the one controlling the body at that point in time.
They can be co-conscious with another alter but there is only 1 in control of the body at a single time.
When that alter is in control they live their life normally, most people wouldn't even notice the difference if two alters were to switch in the middle of the day. This is because the alters mask.
The term masking is basically another word for acting. It's hiding what you actually want to do underneath a mask while you are in public or around other people.
When an alter masks, they typically act like the host.
The host in a system is the one that the alters act like when they are in public, the host is usually the one who fronts the most, or at least they did when the system was young.
There are roles that the alters can do,
There are:
The protectors (the ones who front when another alter is having a hard time while fronting)
The prosecutors (they are like protectors but they are usually more violent and they will hurt others in the system and sometimes even the body of it means protecting themselves)
Fictives (alters that are based on or are entirely a character that has been seen or read about)
The littles (the alters in a system who are younger then the body's natural age, usually children)
The caretakers (the alters who look after the littles)
and so many more, I wouldn't be able to get into all of them, and every system is different. Some systems may have no prosecutor, or no littles, there is no single was to have a system and every system is dramatically different to another.
As a person grows up some alters may disappear, spilt into two separate alters, or fuse with other alters, but the alters are never fully gone, you can't get rid of DID once you have it.
One of the main issues however is that between the alters switching there is severe memory loss.
And yes I know what you are all going to say. "This is Ranboo! Ranboo's character has DID!"

No he doesn't. He has said it himself that his character does NOT had DID because he didn't want to mis-represent a severe mental disorder that effects a lot of people, and I better not see this sort of shit in the comments.

But back into the memory loss.
Each alter retains the memories from when they were in control of the body, no other alters have those memories. There are some shared memories, in with every alter, or a select few alters, can have the same memories. In one case every person in the system had the memories that involved learning to drive, and therefor every alter, even the littles, knew how to drive and were able to do so should they switch out while driving.
There is a lot more that I can say on this but I do need to get onto the other 2.
Just know that your inner voice, the one that you hear when you are talking in your head or reading in your head, is not the same as an alter. Believe me you would know the difference.


Intrusive thoughts are quite simple, they are quick and as the name suggest intrusive ideas that pop into a persons mind at random.
Have you ever been walking on a bridge and a little voice in the back of your head says "jump" but then you reel back and are like "umm no I'd rather not thank you very much"
Those are intrusive thought.
Or when you are cooking and that little voice tells you to touch the boiling water.
Around 50% of the population suffer with intrusive thoughts myself included.
But again they aren't the same as your inner voice, you can't control them but you can learn to just let us slide through your mind without caring about them or or acting in them. People with ADHD find that they suffer from intrusive thoughts, so combine that with the impulsive part of ADHD and it is not fun.
Trust me I know.


Schizophrenia is the last one in the list and it's not as complicated as DID but also not a simple as intrusive thoughts.
Schizophrenia is the name given to a particular mental disorder that gives the person auditory hallucinations (hearing things) and visual hallucinations (seeing things) this can also very commonly lead to irrational beliefs.
Schizophrenic people can't understand their own inner voice, they don't realise that it is just themselves thinking, and therefor a lot of them believe that thoughts are being projected into their mind but other people or extraterrestrial beings (aliens). They also may believe different dilutions but I won't get into them as I don't know about them well enough and would rather not assume.
Schizophrenic people have auditory hallucinations but again if you did have schizophrenia then you would most likely know by now, or at least your parents would have notices by now and told a doctor about it.

If you get to this bit thank you so much for reading about this. I know a lot of you were just having fun in my comments but as someone who did joke about this stuff when they were younger, I feel quite bad about it now knowing what people with these mental disorders actually have to go through.
If you want to learn more there are plenty of systems on tiktok that openly talk about what it's like the have DID, you can follow them and learn a little more.
But anyway, thank you so much for reading, I will try and update another chapter very soon (and sorry if the title of this chapter gave any of you a scare)
Have a good day/night, drink water, take a break, and make sure to eat something too.

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