Chapter 27 - Confrontation

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2 chapters in 2 days?!
After being gone for over a month?!
What is this?!

This chapter will be important later on, especially the end.
Hope you enjoy!


Tommy collapsed onto his makeshift bed with a thud.

"Why is farming so fucking hard!"

He screamed into his pillow. He could hear nightmare cackling behind him, some of the other voices were laughing too.

"Ok, you guys can shut up."

We're good!
Imagine having to do this everyday.
Wooow your soooo strong...
At least you've got food?
Stop complaining kid, I'm one of the ones who made that damned farm in the first place.
I helped!
I helped too!
No you didn't! You sat in the water the whole time!'

Tommy groaned, he could feel an oncoming headache and it didn't help that the voices were now arguing with each other.
Nightmare was still chucking ever so slightly as he sat on the floor near Tommy's head.
Tommy removed his face from his pillow and looked up with a glare.
Nightmare shrugged and smirked at him.

"If you weren't already dead I would kill you."

'I know.'

Tommy dropped his face back into the pillow and groaned once again.

'Get some sleep kiddo'

'Yeah, yeah. I will."


Tommy decided to tune back into what the other voices were arguing about.

'Can you blame me?
Yes! It's your fault to begin with!
Like you can talk mister!
She's snapped.
Mama's angry.
You better run.
Please don't kill him.
He's already dead.
What are you guys even arguing about?
Eric and Dahlia are arguing about when they both trod up the farm and ruined part of it.
... what?
They argue a lot.
They're siblings, what do you expect.
Night Tommy!
Yeah I guess.
Oh right! Get your ass to sleep kid!
Good night kiddo
Sweet dreams!
Love you kiddo!

It's still your fault...
Oh shut the fuck up Eric!'

Tommy drowned the voices out with a chuckle, it was sometimes hard to remember that they were also human at one point, or at least they had their own lives.
But now, now Tommy just wanted sleep.

Nightmare side glanced at the boy next to him.
Once making sure he was fully asleep he stood up and faded his visible body.

'Time to go see what the green bastard is up to'


Dream was having a hard day.
He thought he had the book, why didn't he have the book!?
He let go of his hair, he hadn't even noticed he had grabbed it.

"Okay. Where else could I have put it?"
'Put what?'

Dream flinched looking around frantically.
'Aww I'm hurt, you forgot about me so soon.'
"Get out of my head you god damned nightmare!!"
'You're calling ME god damned? Have you bothered to look in the mirror lately?'
"Shut up!"
Nightmare chuckled.
'I don't think I will.'

Dream huffed as he left the cave.

'So? You didn't answer before. What were you looking for?'

'Why should you care? You're me, you know everything I do.'

'But I'm bored. Entertain me a little will you.'

'How about you get the fuck out of my head!'


'I thought I got rid of you!'

'Oh Dream.
Oh poor little Dream.

You're not getting rid of me that easily.'

It was silent for a minute, neither of them said a thing.

'I'm looking for the revive book' Dream finally said.

'That old thing? Pfft, and why would you need that?
Don't tell me you want to bring Tommy back?
He's gone Dream.
He's gone and it's all your fault.
Accept it.
And move. On. Already.'

'Shut up!
I know it's my fault!
I know he's dead because of me!
You don't have to keep saying it!
I didn't want him dead!
I didn't want him gone!
So what if I want to bring him back?
What are you gonna do? Stop me?
You're a voice!
You are nothing!
I'm a god-'

'-Are you?'


'Are you a god?
Because from where I stand'

Nightmare appeared in front of Dream, startling him.
Dream back fell to the floor and staring up at the grey, translucent figure in front of him.

It was him.


It was the man he killed.

It was the man he stole the body of.

Nightmare chuckled as Dream started to panic at his place on the floor.

'From where I stand Dream.

You are nothing.

You are not a god.
You will never BE a god.'

He crouched in front of the masked man and shed the illusion that made him look normal.
Scars and bloodied wounds appeared throughout his body.
Just as he was when Dream last saw him.

'So suck it up.'

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