Chapter 7 - Truth

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The next 4 chapters after this one are going to be published at once because they are all different people's perspectives on the same thing. Anyway! Onto the story!

It took him a while before he was able to stand again.
All of the pain and sorrow he had been through finally ripped out of him in a flurry of tears and ragged breaths.
He was safe now.
Nothing could hurt him here.
He was alright.

'The book. Read the book.'

There was a book still open on the floor. Tommy could only assume that the voice meant that one. And from the gentle hum in his mind he could tell he was right.
A giggle surfaced as he realised that it was like the voice was purring.
The quiet hum showed that the voice was happy too.
He liked it.
It was calming.

Tommy reached down towards the book and picked it up ever so gently, he didn't want to damage the pages.
At first he couldn't understand what was written. It was in a language that he had never seen before, it wasn't even galactic, but soon enough the swirling lines became words, and the words became a story.
It became a diary.

Entry one-
We've been down here for a few days now, sure it's dark but it's safe. Some of the others are starting to get restless. The others were planning on digging out cave systems, expanding on what we currently have. I don't think we should. We have all we need right here. We don't need anything else. They'll just get themselves killed.
Entry 12-
I warned them. I told them that the cave would collapse. They should have listened to me. I could have kept them safe.
We couldn't even retrieve their bodies, the rocks had crushed them too much. We sealed up the cave though. And placed a memorial. It was the least we could do for them.
Entry 24-
Why? Why won't they ever listen to me? I'm just trying to keep them safe. I told them. Don't go up. Don't go up you will only get hurt. He's still out there, hunting us. He'll find us. We can't let him find us. We've already lost too much. I can't lose anyone else.
Entry 38-
They listened to me. When I warned them. They're finally starting to listen. They understand now. They understand why I want to protect them, that I know when something bad is about to happen.
They're listening to me.
Entry 49-
I was too hopeful. I wanted them to listen. But they didn't. I told them not to go into the cave. They haven't listened. They're in there now. I wonder. Will they find something that could help us? Or will they die? I don't know. I don't WANT to know.
Entry 51-
It wasn't a cave. Oh withers it wasn't a cave. It was a seal. And it wasn't mean to keep us out. I fear this may be it for me. I don't know what they released but whatever it is want blood.
Withers damn it all! it's already killed so many.

This cave.

This place.

Our home.

It's now a hunting ground.
We can't go up or we are dead.
We can't stay here or we are dead.
We're doomed.
We were doomed from the start.
We should never have come down here.

This place is a massacre.

That was the last entry. All the rest of the book was slightly stained black with spilled ink. Or at least that what Tommy's mind decided to make him think. For his own sanity.
"So you are all the people who died here?"
A gentle hum came over his mind.
"Why did you come to me? What could I do?"
'You need us. And we need you.'
"Why though?"
'Kill Dream. He hurt us. We need you to kill him.'
'Kill him'
'He hurt us'
'Kill Dream'
'Kill him'

"Was he the one that killed all of you when you were down here? Or was he the one hunting you before you came down?"
Tommy stopped to think for a second. This place had clearly been abandoned for a very long time.
Just how old was Dream?
Was he even human?
Was he ever human before?

'No. Never human. Always a monster.'

'So he killed all of you and left?'

'He takes many forms. He took my form and left.'

'Your form? So he looks like you?'


'Is that why you are the loudest?'


Tommy let out a sigh. He was confused to say the least. Dream wasn't human. He was whatever monster was sealed away in these caves. He was possessing the body of one of his victims.

'Is that why he wears a mask?'

'His face is scared. Claw marks that never healed.'

'Is that how you died?'


'What can I do?'

'Kill him.

And kill anyone who gets in your way.'


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