Chapter 40 - Goodbye brother

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Tommy had been training for the past few days now, taking turns between fighting in hand to hand combat, weapons, projectiles and even parkour. It was fun.
Stressful. But fun.
He preferred this training to what Phil used to do.
Now as he stretched he looked over and say the familiar sight of Ranboo curled up in a ball on the bed on the opposite wall. He chuckled to himself wondering how someone so tall could make themselves look so tiny when sleeping.
Tommy stood up and made his way to the 'kitchen', in all honesty there wasn't much there but it functioned so he wasn't going to complain.
Ranboo woke up a few minutes later to the smell of pork and stumbled in while rubbing his eyes.
"Morning Ranboo, how'd you sleep?"
"I slept quite well. You?"
"Eh, minor nightmare but that's it."
'Heard you were talking shit about me?'
"What the fuck!?"
Nightmare appeared from the wall beside Tommy's head effectively scaring him. Tommy said nothing, just glared at the spirit and continued cooking.
"Anyway!" Ranboo said cheerily "let's go upstairs and start today's training!"
"Projectiles again?"
"Yep! You still need to get better with your aim."
"Shut up, I'm fine with how I shoot!"
"Then how do I hit more targets then you?"
Tommy didn't say anything, he just grumbled and started walking up the stairs.
Most the fighting was done in the temple, only sometimes training above ground in order to get some sunlight, it was apparently 'necessary for Tommy's health' according to Ranboo. He didn't like leaving the temple, he felt so exposed and paranoid whenever he left.
Maybe it had something to do with his memory loss?
I mean if you kept forgetting things then of course you would be paranoid.

And apparently he was right to be.

As he dug out of the staircase and stepped into the clearing he looked around only to see a pair of cloudy, blue eyes staring at him from behind a tree...


No Wilbur wouldn't be here.
He'd be safe in the SMP with techno and Phil.
He would be here!
He COULDN'T be here!
Tommy had faked his death!
He faked his elimination!
No one should have even thought to look for him!

Tommy's breath began to quicken.
He could feel his brothers worried eyes on him even once he had turned away.

'We're in danger.
He'll tell the others
We need to get out of here!
No! He knows where we are!
We need to go!
Kid come on!
We need to get rid of him!
We can't! He's the kids brother!
He'll tell the others!
We're not safe with him.
We need to get rid of him.

We need to kill him.'

Tommy flinched at nightmares demand.
Could he really kill his own brother?

Did he ever defend you from Phil?


Didn't he intend to kill you when he blew up L'Manburg?


Didn't he abandon you to be hurt by Dream?


He never kept you safe before. So why would he keep your secret to keep you safe now?

He wouldn't

Exactly. So what do we need to do now?




We need to kill him.

Tommy's breath had stilled as his eyes narrowed. He turned to face the ghost who had gotten closer since he had turned his back.

"Hey, are you okay? You looked like you were having a panic attack."


He said nothing in reply.


"We're you the one who killed the others in the farm house just east of here?"


He said nothing, though he did incline his head slightly in acknowledgement.
That tipped Ghostbur off to what the answer was, even if no words were actually spoken.


"Umm. I'm sorry to ask this without even knowing you, but have you seen a ghost around here? He's got blond hair, blue eyes, loves cows. Have you seen him anywhere?"


He stayed silent.


"Please. He's my little brother. I can't just leave him out here all alone!"


Ghostbur now had a steady trickle of tears falling down his face.


"Please. There's so much I need to apologise for. There's so much I still need to do. I can't lose him.
Please help me find him.
I need my baby brother back."


Massacre said nothing as he slowly walked towards the ghost.
He cradled Ghostbur face against his palm and wiped away some of the tears with his thumb. The ghost lent into his hand, craving the affection that the younger was giving him.

With his free hand Massacre grabbed a blade from his side and plunged it into the ghosts chest before the latter even knew what was happening.

This blade had... 'special enchants'. Ones that would help him kill dream.

Meaning they would help him kill a ghost too.

Ghostbur fell to the floor, clutching his chest.
Only then did he feel safe enough to remove his mask that had so helpfully hidden his identity.

Ghostbur's eyes widened at the sight of his little brother in front of him.

"Tommy?" He said in a whisper. It was all his voice would let out.

Tommy knelt down to the ghosts level and looked him in the eyes.

"Massacre. Not Tommy."


"You were a liability."

The tears now flowed freely as the ghosts body began to fade the more 'blood' he lost.
However before he could disappear completely Massacre cradled his cheek once again.

With a look of pity in his eyes Massacre smiled.




"Goodbye brother."




Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now