Chapter 25 - Why?

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⚠️Gore and self harm warning, I will put the emojis before and after like always⚠️

'5 hours.
It has been 5 fucking hours!
This is why I used to steal from people!

No this is why Tommy used to steal from people.
I'm not Tommy.'

'Alright kid, let's push that existential crisis back a few days and NOT go through that shit again okay?'

'Oh shut up'

'You'll thank me later'

Tommy rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs to the stronghold.
Not stronghold.

'You can call it either kid.'

'I should call it by it's actual name though'

'True. But you don't even know why.'

'And I won't push you to tell me.'

'Since when did you become mature?'

'Oh I don't know, maybe it was after Wilbur was killed, maybe it was getting exiled, or maybe trying to get rid of my last cannon life, oh! or maybe it was when I - you know - killed people because I was angry'

We're a little fucked up aren't we?'


Tommy and nightmare chuckled as they stepped into the temple once again.
The torches had burnt out again so Tommy lit some of the new ones he had collected and lit them.
"Should I have gotten coal torches instead of charcoal ones?"

'Charcoal burns longer that coal.'

"So that's a no?"

'It's a no.'
Tommy nodded his head at the useful information.

He had finished placing all the torches in the nearby rooms when he felt a light tug pull at his chest.



It was silent.

It was never silent.

THEY were never silent.

Where were they?
What was happening?
Why couldn't he hear them!?

Tommy's breath quickened and he tore his mask off.
His chest hurt, the light tug now felt as though someone was trying to tear his heart out with their bare hands.
He fell to his knees and coughed repeatedly grasping at his chest, trying, and failing, to stop the searing pain.
Blood sprayed from his mouth each time he coughed and tears fell down his face.

It hurt.
It hurt so bad.
Why was this happening?
Why did it hurt?
Make it stop.
Make it stop!

Tommy clawed at his chest, blood under his nails and crimson lines dug in.
Blood flowed freely from the torn skin as the pain got even worse.

Tommy screamed.
His scream echoed in the temple, resonating along the walls,
Soon the pain became too unbearable and he passed out where he was.


He woke up not even 10 minutes later.
His entire body writhed with pain.
His mind felt so heavy yet so empty at the same time.


'Nightmare please, help me.'

Still no reply

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