Chapter 30 - The hunt

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It is the moment you have all been waiting for!
Massacre is back on the scene and ready to kill once again!

Gore warning, I will put the warning emoji (⚠️ ) both before and after like always.

Sorry for this being so close to the last minute, I'll post earlier tomorrow xxx


Tommy was still leaning against the wall.
His tears had long since stopped but the fog in his mind had gotten worse.

He didn't understand.

He thought it was Phil.

But it wasn't.
Nightmare said it was Dream.
And it makes sense.
Dream didn't like Tommy.
He never liked Tommy.
He wanted to kill Tommy.

So why didn't he remember?

Surely he should have remembered?

The whole reason he left in the first place was to kill Dream.

It didn't make any sense.
Why didn't he remember?
Why was he losing parts of himself?

Tommy remember the pain he had felt a few days before.
Could it have been that?

No pain can't cause memory loss.
Not like that.

So why?
Why couldn't he remember?

Tommy shook his head and stood up, using the wall to do so. His eyes blurred and his head spun for a moment before he was able to reorientate himself.
He needed to clear his mind.
Pain used to clear his mind before, but he knew nightmare would never let that happen again.

'Why not somebody else's pain?'

Tommy jumped. The voices had been so quiet that he had forgotten they were there.

'You mean kill again?'

'I'm sure we could find someone in these woods.'

He pondered the idea.
Killing would help him let off some steam, it would also help him get better at fighting.
But it would also mean he would have to KILL again.

Tommy's hand twitched.

He missed the feeling of a knife handle.
He missed the feeling of a blade going through bone and flesh.
He missed the warmth of the blood.
The fear in the victims eyes.

He missed killing.

Nightmare chuckled.
'Let's get going then shall we?'

Nightmare appeared in front of him and bowed, looking in his eyes as he did so.

Tommy grinned, his excitement rising, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He wanted to run.
He wanted to kill.

He wanted to HUNT.

He picked up his weapons as he left, a sword, a bow, and two knives.
He grabbed a golden apple and a regeneration too, just in case.

It was sunset when he reached the surface.

Anyone who was still in these woods would most likely light a campfire to keep warm.
Meaning it would be easier for him to find them.

He went left, away from the old houses he once 'visited'.
No point in going back, no one would be there.


It was completely dark when he first saw a flicker of fire through the trees.
He then heard their voices.

2 men, 1 woman.

They sounded like they were having so much fun.
Now it was his turn.

Massacre's excitement rose as he got closer, his grin splitting his cheeks.

The two men had their backs to him.


He hid behind a tree, away from any of their fields of view.
His heart pounded in his ears.
The blood lust growing stronger every second.

Then he moved.

He held his knife and lunges at one of the men and with a glint from the flame on the knife he grabbed a fist full of long black hair with one hand and slit his throat with the other.

The mans head came off and blood sprayed in every direction, soaking massacre's clothes.

In the dark of the night with nothing but a small campfire to light the world around him
Massacre grinned.
His blood stained clothes and piercings red eyes was haunting, paralysing those who witness the mans death.

Massacre started to laugh.

The smell of fear was so strong, so potent.
He loved it.

Another flash and the knife was buried in the other mans eye, his screams echoed through the forest startling the woman into running.

Massacre ripped the knife out and buried into the mans temple before sprinting off after the woman.

He weaved passed trees laughing as he did.

This is what he missed.

He missed the chase.
He missed the blood.

He missed the hunt.

The chase wasn't even a minute when she looked back.
Her mistake.
She didn't look where she was going.

She fell.

And massacre pounced.

He was on top of the woman in a flash, throwing punch after punch, battering her head into the ground.

Her screams and cried fuelled his bloodlust as he continued to batter her black and blue.

Blood spilled from her nose.
She clawed at massacre in an attempt to get him off, it was useless.

Punch after punch landed on her face, her throat, anywhere that massacre could hit till she lay unmoving on the floor.

Alive and conscious, but unmoving nonetheless.
She had given up.

Massacre panted and looked down at her, her face beaten black and blue, blood running down the sides of her face.

Please just kill me."

"And if I don't want to?"


"Maybe I just want to hurt you?
Maybe I want to make you scream till you beg for death.
Just maybe.
I like seeing you in pain."

Massacre placed a knife under her throat and ran the blade across ever so slightly, beads of blood came forth and trickled down as tears ran down her face.


"Oh just because you ask so nicely"

He dug the knife in further and watched as she choked on her own blood.
He caressed her cheeks lightly as she died and whispered
"If you see a man named Wilbur, tell him Tommy sends his regard."


Massacre stood up, his mind was now clearer then it had been before, the blood soaked his clothes and stained his skin.
He wiped the knife onto his shirt and tucked it back into its sheath.


'We should do this again sometime.'


Massacre (villain Tommyinnit AU)Where stories live. Discover now