Chapter 39 - Regret

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Dream walked numbly through L'Manburg, he remembered when this place stood tall, with towering walls and happy smiles all round. He remembered watching from afar after Tommy had given him his disks. He saw all of them dancing and laughing and having so much fun. He remembered Tubbo and Tommy jumping around, he remembered Wilbur playing the guitar, and he remembered their smiles as their laughs echoed past the walls and lanterns lit up the night sky in celebration.
He didn't like L'Manburg back then. But he continued to watch their celebrations throughout the night. He remembered the young boy that Tommy was. So youthful and so full of life. He missed that Tommy. That was the Tommy he cared for. Why couldn't he have just joined Dream's side instead? He could have kept him safe and out of harm. He wanted L'Manburg gone, but he didn't want Tommy to be collateral damage.

Dream found himself at Tommy's headstone, a tree had grown behind it, it's branches reached high and it's leaves blocked out the sun.
It was beautiful.

He thought back to his vault that he had been at only a few hours prior.
There was so much in there that people deserved to have back.
With tears stinging his eyes once again Dream placed down two disks against the headstone.

"I'm sorry I cared for them more then you little one."

He may have been a monster, but he was created from humanity, he was created with anger and hatred and selfishness...
and empathy.
That was all he knew.

And with that he turned to go to the closest nether portal to bring everyone's items back.


Phil was scared.
Wilbur was out there all alone. He knew Wilbur was a ghost now but that did nothing to ease his worry.
He just wanted his family back.
He wanted to play in the gardens with Techno.
He wanted to listen and play music with Wilbur.
He wanted to listen to the disks and train Tommy again.
He wanted his family back.

But that wasn't gonna happen.

Wilbur was dead and now on a fools errand.
Techno was so paranoid about everything that he barely slept anymore unless it was by Phil's side.
And Tommy was now gone. And he wasn't coming back.

He had lost his little musician and gained half of him back as what? Pity?
He lost his little soldier. And he wasn't going to come back. Not now not ever. He honestly thought he taught Tommy better. He thought Tommy's stubbornness would keep him from ever doing what he had done. He thought he had trained it out of him so many years ago.

But apparently he hadn't.

So now he sat on his chair and waited for his ghostly son to come home.
He had promised to be back within a week after all.
And Wilbur was never one to break his promises.


Elsewhere a young boy with horns and messy brown hair turned towards a locked chest in the corner of the room. He knew what was in there. He knew he shouldn't touch it.

But who could blame him?
He just wanted to get rid of the pain.

Phil and Techno would get so mad at him. Ghostbur wouldn't know what it meant. He would just be curious. And Tommy-

...And Tommy would shout at him, berate him for even thinking about it. He would probably burn the chest and all it's content and then drag him out the office to go sit on the bench.

But Tommy wasn't there anymore.

So he walked across the room, broke the lock off the chest...

And pulled out a bottle of whisky.


Ghostbur had been searching for a while now. He never slept, he did need to, but he couldn't stop looking. He still hadn't been able to find anything that hinted as to where his brother could have been.
He knew Tommy was alive, he had to be. He was stubborn. Hell! Tommy used to argue any time he even whispered about wanting to blow up L'Manburg back in Pogtopia.


Everyone thought he had lost his memories.
He hadn't.
He just wanted to give everyone a new start without having to worry about him.

The voices stopped though.
He could no longer hear their echoing chant to hurt others, to blow stuff up.
It was calming.
He liked being able to sit and think whenever he wanted.
He liked the peace and quiet.

He saw a set of houses just in front, it looked like farm houses.
Three of them.

As he walked closer he took notice of the silence that filled the forest. Surely there would be some noise?
Ghostbur shook his head and knocked on the first house he came up to.

There was blood on the door handle...

He opened the door slowly and saw nothing but a trail of muddy boot prints leading upstairs.
He knew what he was going to find so he ventured upstairs with a heavy heart.

He cleared the houses quickly and brought all the bodies outside. What hurt him the most was the body of a child, no older then six, with a stab wound in his back.

He dug out all of their graves and buried them.
The smallest hole was the hardest to dig.

Now all lined up in a row sat 8 new headstones.

He saw a trail of blood leading out of the houses and decided to go in that direction.
He didn't know what he would find, but he didn't care.

The endless travel had taken a toll on his faded body so he decided to take a nap underneath a large tree at the edge of a clearing.

He would try and find Tommy tomorrow.

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