Chapter 33 - Revelation

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Ummmm, is this a good time to apologise?
Sorry for leaving for so long, writers block hit me like a truck.
This chapter is quite short but I should be able to update a bit more in a few days, I've got work quite a lot this week.
Anyway, sorry for disappearing and I hope you enjoy the chapter, there is a lot to be revealed.

Tommy yelled as he face planted his bed.
He had been cleaning for wither knows how long and was SO TIRED!

"Hey kid?"


"Is this a bad time to tell you that Ranboo is on his way here?"

Tommy groaned.
Ranboo being here means that he'll have to socialise.
He didn't want to socialise.
He had been cleaning all day and he just wanted to sleep.

"You have enough time to have a nap before he gets here so get some sleep, we'll wake you up when he's closer."

And with that Tommy's eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep again.

Nightmare chuckled. He liked this kid, it was a shame really.
Now all he needed to do was to make sure that it was ACTUALLY Ranboo on his way here. Luckily the fake Ranboo can't see him so all he needed to do was find him.

Another perk of being dead.
You don't have to use doors.

Downside of being dead.
You're dead.

As nightmare was floating his mind drifted to Tommy's question.
"Is it weird having lived a life and still being here?"

He was truthful in his previous answer, he honestly hadn't given it much thought. Why would he? He spent decades in Dream's mind, living Dream's life.

He never really thought of this life as his own.

Why would it be?

His last life was taken from him, he was forced into a void for what felt like years, and then when he finally saw again he found himself in the mind of the bastard that killed him.
Granted he tormented Dream relentlessly, constantly reminding him of his flaws, his faults, of all the things he lacked and lost.

But it wasn't the same.
He had no life to call his own.
Even now his life wasn't his own.

Not yet anyway.

He would have his own life back soon.

If he didn't fade before it happened...

"It's fine. As soon as Dream's dead I'll be fine..."

Dream was the reason this happened.

It was Dream's fault.


No it wasn't his fault.

Yeah he killed him but it wasn't his fault that he was stuck in the world of the living.

It was XD's fault.

It had always been his fault.

Anger built in nightmares chest as he continued to think.

Rage bubbled as he grit his teeth.

He was nothing but good!

He did nothing but follow orders!

So why!?

"Damn you XD, damn you for doing this to me!
What did I do!?
I did nothing but serve you!
So why did you DO THIS TO ME!"

Nightmares screams faded into nothingness.
He was dead after all.


I didn't deserve this..."

Tears fell down the ghosts face and he collapsed onto the floor.
Why did it have to be him?

He stayed on the floor for who knows how long.
Tears streamed down his face.
Fists and teeth clenched tightly.


His head snapped up.


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