3. Blood in the water.

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Pan's POV

She gonna die and It my fault.
F*CK it I thought, suddenly wether on Neverland changed, the storm had started. But the weather change depends on my mood only.

Is it possible to be her fault?
No, she is a weak human she can't do that, or?

"Save her please,"  Lara said.

I put my hand on her forehead and healed her...
The weather on Neverland becomes better and pirates are all gone already, they knew that they lost the fight...

"Well, I’m certainly proud of you, you blockhead," Lara says to me.

I just teleported her and Daniel to their room...

I sitting on the bed still holding Belle's hand...I still remember looking at her in an orphanage ...the littlest baby, helpless and all mine. Those big, big eyes were just full of tears...

I moved a piece of her hair from her face and placed it behind her ear.
And teleported out.

Lara's POV

He just ignored me... Is it like that? Okay, both can play that game I thought.

"Heyyyy guys," Jace said entering the room, I was on the one side of the room and Daniel on other...

"O sh*t I came into the wrong moment the tension between the two of you gonna kill someone individual," Jace said.

"Can I sleep tonight in your tent"
I asked knowing that will Daniel be pissed out.

"Yeah, of course," Jace said, while Daniel was looking him with I will kill you look on his face... Jace tried not to laugh at us knowing what I'm up to.

I and Jace started to walk on the monolith it was a beautiful night...We were talking and laughing he shoved me a beautiful beach we were racing back to the camp...

I was in the camp dancing around the campfire with lost boys I noticed Daniel
Leaning against the tree...
He's blue eyes looking directly at my soul as he knew what I was feeling for him...
He came and pulled me aside from the boys.

"Like what you see?" I asked. Okay, I would not say that to him never, but I don't know what did I drink and I was blabbing stupid things.

"What did you drink?" Daniel asked worriedly.

"Why did you care?" I said losing a balance, in a second was in Daniel's hands he carried me bride style into the cabin he put me on the bed... He lay down hugging me tightly, I was still mad at him, but I didn't have the strength to move from his grip...
I fell asleep.

Daniel's POV

"Morning Pan, Felix," I said

"How was the night," some lost boy asked with a dirty look at the face.

"Oh God I would never use her like that" I yelled at him.

"Tie him on a tree" Pan yelled at boys, they grab the boy and pulled him away...Pan always got my back.-

"I will come back in a second you guys go.
3 of you: Jace, Zack, Billy...
You 3 staying with Lara and Belle...
Rest of boys go hunt." Pan said.

Pan"s POV

I teleported to my room, she was awake...
She was even scared to look at me...
Why I'm not satisfied? I wanted her to be scared of me, then why I wanna her to feel something that's not fear towards me.

"I would say thank, you to healing me but you did this to me in the first place. Make a decision, let me or kill me." She said painfully.

"Is that a treat or are you always so imposing?" I asked "I chose to have you" I winked at her.

"Fu*k you" she spat.

"What is it you gonna go cry to your parents? O yea they are dead" oh I didn't want to bring that theme, just great Peter I taught.

"Beneath all that power, you’re nothing more than an unloved lonely lost boy," she said.

How she could say that to me? Oh, she will regret it tonight.

Belle's POV

He just teleported out...

I hate him...
He is a jerk...
I stood up and changed into some of his clothes... I exit a treehouse and in front of my door was billy...

"Hey!" I said.

"Can you show me where is Lara?" I asked him.

"Yea" he nodded.

We entered some cabin...
Lara was yelling on some poor boy named Jace...

"Give me Daniel's hoodie!" Lara was yelling and jumping, around a tall boy and she was small so she could not reach a hoodie in his hands. And another boy named zack was just sitting annoyed because of Lara and Jace...

"Hey," I said

"Omg, I can't believe that's you" Lara ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Oww, Lara it hurts" I gasped.

"Sorry you were unconscious five days, so I missed you," Lara explained.

" This one dickhead is Jace," Lara said and Jace waved at me...

"And that one bit*h in the corner is Zack," Lara said and Zach waved at me...

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