5. To die for

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Pan's POV

"WAKE UP" I started to yell and shake her lifeless body.

She didn't move... Is she dead? Oh, Belle why you didn't listen, you are determined like when you were a little child.

Jace was hugging Lara and tried to comfort her... Everyone was so quiet.

I took Belle's hand and try to feel the beat of her heart. Suddenly she coughed up water and opened her eyes widely.

"Shadow!" She gasped and fell into my arms unconscious ...
Thank god she is alive, my girl is alive.

I take her into my arms and teleported us to my room, I put her in my bed and teleported out.

I sit in front of the campfire and played my flute, I waited for Lara, Jace and Blake to come in camp...

"Hey, Pan!" Blake said friendly. I took him by his collar and pushed him against the tree.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that"
I hissed at him.

"Pan stop, please you are hurting him"
Lara tried to help Blake but I pushed her off me.

"That is the whole point"
I said to her.

"Daniel hold your girl if you wanna her to stay alive"
I said, and Daniel just held her back.

"You are one who is guilty, because of you she almost died, this can't be happening again," I said and took my dagger and sliced his throat.
He dropped down dead.

"You are a monster!"
Lara screamed at me.

"I know," I said and winked at her.

"Do you wanna know why I use a dagger? Magic are too quick and... You can't savour all the... Little emotions. In... You see, in their last moments,
People show you who they are." I said and I saw how scared she was.
I teleported out.

Lara's pov

The fu*k he is crazy asf, as soon he teleported out I run to Blake's lifeless body. I knew that I need to find a way to escape from this island.

I said to Daniel that I'm going to bed... And run into the forest as soon as he didn't watch. I ran for hours and I just fall on the ground, I didn't eat all-day... I was soo tired I fall asleep.

I woke up in some little house.

"Hey!" Some girl said.

"Um, hey," I said shyly.

"My name is Tinkerbell"

"Like a fairy?" I asked her.

"Yea, but I lost my wings," she said sadly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, so what brings a human in Neverland?" She asked me.

"Pan," I said... I saw a scared look in her eyes.
"What?" I asked.

"You need to escape from him!" She said.

"You need to go to Harry's ship he is only one who knows how to get out of here," she said

"I don't know where it is or will he help us," I said I knew I need to go back to camp until they realized I'm gone, I need to tell the plan to Belle and go to Harry's ship.

"Here," she said and give to me a map. She put a dot on the place where is Harry's ship.

"I need to leave," I said and went to the camp.

Pan's POV

I watched Belle while she was asleep, she was so beautiful and gorgeous. I was going to exit a treehouse...

"Peter, please stay." She mumbled to me.

"Okay Princess," I said to her.

"It wasn't his fault I wanted to jump over the river," she said.

"What?" I asked her.

"Blake is not one to blame, please don't punish him," She said.

"It's okay Princess," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Wanna see something cool," I said.

"Yeah," she said.
I took her hand and we went out of the treehouse.

"Do you believe me?" I asked.

"Yea," she said

"I grabbed her hips and pulled her against me I wrapped my arm around her waist and fly up with her she put her arms around my neck.

" We came... you can open your eyes"
I said laughing.
We were on the hill under was a mermaid lagoon. Because of the stars and moon, it was more beautiful.

"It is beautiful," she said amazed.

"Ever danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight," I said and gave her my arm to dance with me. She took my hand and we started dancing. a lot of fireflies were around us.

We laid down on the grass
" Thanks," she said...
"For what?" I asked looking at her worm Brown eyes.
"This... Nobody except Lara did something nice for me," she said smiling at me, I knew it all will be gone tomorrow, I knew she would never forgive me for killing Blake...

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