15. legacy

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Belle's POV

I woke up around 15:00 I was so tired of yelling at Peter to let me go last night. I get up from the bed to see was I still locked up in here but Peter teleported just in front of me.

"What are you think you doing? " Peter asked me.

"Nothing," I said while walking slowly backwards.

"I thought so" he smiled and put a plate full of food on the bed before he teleported out ...

Lara's POV

"Rise and shine sleepy head" someone yelled at me while pulling the blanket off me...

"Just 5 minutes more Daniel" I mumbled. I opened my eyes and turned around to see no one else but Pan...

"The fuck you want," I said to him ...

"Get up we are going to train... Dress up I will wait for you on the training field "
Pan said and teleported out ... I got dressed and meet Pan on the training field...

I get here... He and Daniel were waiting for me.

"Hey love," Daniel said to me and kissed me.

"You will fight him," Pan said.

"We surely didn't get here to watch you two kiss ... We came to train you," Pan said.

"I will go easy on your love," Daniel said and winked at me ...

I take him by hand and put it behind his back he pushed me by the tree and I couldn't move... Suddenly I felt the power in my hands and just pushed him away he flew across the field ... My hands were glowing and I was shaking...

"Daniel!" I yelled and run up to him.

"You beat me like I owed your money," he said while laughing ...

Peter was not surprised at all ... And it was weird like I didn't just do that...

"See I told you," Pan told Daniel...

"What are you talking about?" I asked Pan.

"Bring her up" suddenly two lost boys dragged Tinkerbell the same fairy who helped me escape the first time ...
She looked soo tired and like al her magic fade away...

"What did you do to her!" I yelled at Pan ...

"Simply I punished her because she helped you escape and she accidentally said to me... That you are very powerful... She felt that you have powers." Pan said while walking around me ...

"I am a fairy? "
I asked ...

"A wich," Peter said ...

" set her on fire" some lost boy yelled.

"Shut up" Daniel yelled.

Pan's POV

"Pan!" Felix yelled.

"Yea" I sad.

"Hook came here to talk," He said


Peter Pan never Fails.🌙Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt