Chapter 2

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Newt POV 

We had just arrived in the town of Beacon Hills. I have this feeling that I've been here before. Miho, Teresa, and Aris have the same feeling. I know Tommy knows the town just by the way he looked when it was mentioned. As we pulled into the town I noticed the car that held Gally, fry, Brenda, Jorge, and Vince turned another way. 

Deputy Parrish, I believe his name is, also seems to know Tommy. The thing that bugged me us that he called him Stiles. Agents were in and out of the room checking on all of us making sure someone was always keeping pressure on Tommy's injury. Then the ship docked Parrish led us off the ship. He led us to two cars one that was for Me, Minho, Aris, and Teresa. That car was going to Beacon Hills to take us back to our families. The other car was for Gally, Fry, Brenda, Vince, and Jorge. It was going to take them a few towns over. Parrish hopped into the ambulance with Tommy while the rest of us waved goodbye and hurried into the cars. Cameras were surrounding the parking lot trying to get pictures of us. 

The ambulance sped off as soon as Tommy was stable and our car followed after it. We drove through the streets towards the hospital. While driving through the town I got a headache after realizing I had been here before. I laid my head on the window as a rush of memories hit me.  I saw myself and another boy about a year older than me, We were playing on the playground. Another one flashed in front of my eyes. The boy was helping me up after falling. Then another of the boy taking hits trying to protect me. Suddenly I remembered his name. 

"Isaac" I whispered lifting my head off of the window a bit. 

"What was that," Teresa asked watching me curiously. 

"Oh Uh nothing," I said waving her off. I closed my eyes again watching more memories of me and Isaac flash before my eyes. It felt like no time had passed as I watched the flashes. I was taken from the memories when Minho shook my shoulder telling me we had made it. We all walked into the Lobby just after the stretcher which Tommy was on. All of us received weird looks from the people waiting in the waiting room. 

I felt severely out of place. We were led to a room in the back. I noticed a woman with dark hair kinda curly and tan-ish skin up by the stretcher. She wasn't very tall. She was holding tightly to Tommy'shand crying. The thing that really surprised me though was Tommy seemed to be griping back just as hard if not harder. 

I'll just ask later. We finally made it to a more secluded waiting room. Tommy being immediately wheeled off to surgery.  The rest of us were told to wait until our names were called so we could get a check up. Sitting around was so boring I was use to being up and doing something pretty much all day. Finally my name was called for a check up. I was the last one to be called. I jumped out of my seat  and followed the woman from before down the hallway. 

"Hi Newt my name is Melissa McCall do you think you could tell me all of what happened from your point of view'' She asked. I nodded and began to tell her what I could remember. I don't know why I basically just spilled my whole story to her I just felt like I could trust her. She did my check up as I was speaking. 

"Okay you look like you're doing pretty well now if you don't mind me asking what happened for you to get a limp like that" She asked softly trying to keep any hostility out of her voice. I opened and closed my mouth quickly. The only two who know the real story of what happened are Tommy and Minho. She told me then that I didn't have to talk about it but the limp would probably never go away. I sighed but nodded expecting that. 

I remembered the question I had earlier. "I have a question for you if you don't mind," I asked Melissa timidly scared she would be mad. She smiled at me saying she didn't mind, that she could finish the paperwork she had to do while we were talking. 

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