Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Lydia POV
I watched as Stiles ran away. I looked over at Isaac who had a guilty look adorning his face.
"Is he okay? I didn't take it too far, did I?" He asked. 

I shook my head, "No knowing Stiles he's probably just messing with us" I said trying to comfort him. I looked out the window of the cafeteria and I saw Stiles, Scott, Newt and Minho sitting at one of the tabees talking and laughing. I tapped Isaac with my foot and pointed out the window. I laughed as I watched stiles put his head on his arms as the other three laughed.
I couldn't help but smile. I saw Kira grinning at me.

"You like him," Kira stated. 

"What no '' I said she gave me a don't even try to deny it look. I sighed "Fine I like him I have for a while" 

"AHHH SINCE WHEN" Kira screamed drawing the attention of the rest of the pack. I shushed her but it was too late we had their attention and there was no turning back. They listened in on my next statement. 

"When you made me go to the dance with him, he told me things about me that I hid from everyone else he made me feel like I didn't have to hide who I was" I explained. Kira squealed. The wolves all shot their hands to their ears. 

"I knew it," Aris said. My jaw hung open when he said that. 

"You didn't even know him before and you just got back how in the world did you know" I asked. 

Aris smiled at me saying he was good at reading people. I glared at him and made everyone who was listening promise not to say anything. They reluctantly agreed. The bell rang and we all went back to class. During class I found my gaze drifting to a certain brunette sitting just to the left of me while we were taking notes. 

After school I made my way outside to meet Malia. I saw Stiles talking to Liam. They both got into the Jeep and rode away. Shrugging it off I met Allison and we went to the mall.
The next day there was a scrimmage lacrosse game. It was against Devenford prep. I watched the bus pull in and Liam walk up to what looks to be the leader of the team. I watched as he seemed to get angry and out came the claws. Stiles and Scott rushed in leading him away. I knew they had it handled so I walked to my first period. 

I saw Newt leaning against the lockers outside of our first period. AP algebra. I smiled at him.
"Hey," I greeted. He waved. 

"You wanna sit together tonight at the game?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. The day went by as normal. Except for when I got my notes back from Malia she told me something stiles said to her. 

"He said it was a code and that you need to meet with him to decrypt it" She explained. I nodded. 

During lunch I met up with Stiles. I somehow managed to find where we needed to go online. It was some website that was set up and you needed a code to get in. Stiles nodded to me. I closed my eyes and let the banshee within me take over. 

I typed in a word. When I opened my eyes I looked at Stiles. I looked back to the computer screen and saw a list forming from the code. 

Scott, Malia, and I were in one section along with other names I didn't know. The second section had three names. Stiles, Newt, and Minho and there was a note saying they needed to be kept alive. 

Stiles looked like he was about to cry. I looked back at the list and noticed a name in bold in the top left corner CHUCK was the code. He had told us about the boy in the maze, the youngest one who died protecting him. Tears started to stream down his face and I quickly jumped up and hugged him. We sat there for a while in each others arms. Stiles cried on my shoulder.
I decided then we should call the rest of Stiles' friends; they had told us they group of 5 weren't the only ones to make it out of the trials. Some people named Jorge, Brenda, Frypan, and Gally made it out but had to go to a different town as that's where Gally and Frypan families were.
I led Stiles to sit down on his bed saying I would be back in a few minutes. He nodded and pulled open his laptop. I grabbed his phone off the desk and went downstairs. I pulled up Stiles' contacts. I scrolled through until I hit the ame Gally. I pressed the call button and waited. The phone rang twice before someone answered. 

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