Chapter 13

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Newt POV
All of us in the glade were waiting for Derek and Minho to come back through the doors of the maze as they opened and closed. Tommy was starting to feel less pain. I had to help him as Aiden had no clue about medical procedures and Malia wasn't a gentle person and tried to speed through changing the bandages.

Late in the afternoon just around the time, the sun would begin to set the pair of runners bolted through the doors. They ran into the homestead telling us about what happened.

"So we went in and Derek decided it wasn't Isaac who attacked Thomas but before we could figure anything else out Derek lost the ability to smell like a wolf" Minho explained.

Derek nodded "So we decided to come back and go out tomorrow we need one of the wolves to come with us and then after finding Isaac I'll figure out what's going on with my wolf," Derek said.

Tommy waved Derek over. He sat up on the bed grabbing the scalpel and dragged it along Derek's arm. Derek didn't even flinch. I watched in some horror yet amazement as the wound Thomas made closed. Thomas looked at Derek worriedly.

"Derek when did this start it's healing way too slow for a minor injury like that," He asked.

"Uh, I guess around the time of the Oni I got a cut on the shoulder and it took longer to heal. I just thought it was because of the sword." Derek explained shrugging.

"Woah woah woah you guys battled things with swords" I yelled. They nodded acting like it was no big deal.

"Newt, what you are so concerned about, swords, are super easy to handle," Minho said.

Malia laughed "Oh yeah he's definitely related to Kira," She said.

I sighed trying to wrap my head around the conversation that was currently happening. This is my life. Seriously, when did I become the parent of somemany overgrown children?

The doors opened for the last time that night this time it seemed to be shutting slower than normal. A blur passed through the doors at the last second.

A wolf leaped at me before anyone could blink. I was pinned to the floor by a snarling figure. I looked into its face and noticed the blonde curly hair.

"Isaac" I whispered.

Derek grabbed Isaac's shoulder pulling him off of me. I sat up slowly watching Derek flash his blue eyes and roar at Isaac. Isaac shrank back sitting on the floor and backing himself into a corner. He slowly shifted back from his beta form. Isaac sat on the ground panting.

Derek approached him slowly. Isaac looked up at him and then looked back at the ground to where I sat.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to attack you, just all the smells and the different environment isn't helping my wolf and Teresa forced the shift" Isaac explained in a rushed voice.

"Isaac" I started "It's okay I understand what it's like to not be in control" I looked towards where Tommy sat remembering when I was attacking him and how if Brenda hadn't gotten to us in time one of us would probably be dead.

Isaac's attention was drawn away from me when he looked over to Thomas.

"Did I do that? I can't remember anything past the lab" He asked.

Thomas shook his head "I can't remember who did it but I'm positive it wasn't you. I think they might have had long hair if that helps" He responded looking towards where I and Derek were standing.

"Well you know we could always check," Aiden suggested.

"How none of us are Alphas," Malia said crossing her arms. Minho and I looked at the pair like they were insane, what did they mean by check and why would someone need to be an alpha.
"Maybe a former alpha could do it and look we got two of those right here," Malia said.

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