Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Third POV
That night two teens were running in the rain. The girl who was in the lead stumbled gripping the fence next to her for support. She attempted to catch her breath when she heard more footsteps behind her. Her brother came into the light.

He helped stand up fully and shoved her a little, getting her to begin moving. "Come on Lori go" He screamed. She nodded back at him squeezing her eyes shut for a minute then taking off at full speed again. The boy screamed as one of the arrows that were zipping by hit their mark, right in his shoulder. He ripped the arrow out dodging another one.

He ran forward as a man, an amateur assassin looking for money, came out from behind a bus. The man tried to punch the boy down. He did manage to get the boy on his knees but not totally taking down. The boy stood tackling the man and knocking him out. He looked up his eyes glowing a bright yellow color. The boy stood back up watching his sister make a turn into the lacrosse field.

"LORI WAIT" He yelled, running as fast as he could after her. He made it into the bleachers leaning against them as his sister ran further into the field.

"LORI STOP" She followed her brother's instructions grabbing his arm when he stood in front of her.

"Brett, Brett what's happening?" Lori said.

"Close your eyes" he ordered. She nodded squeezing her eyes shut.

Arrows began flying towards the two siblings. The only thing running through his mind hoping that he could save his sister. A sword sliced down cutting an arrow. Kira appeared smiling at the two. She blocked another arrow with her sword yelling. "RUN!!!" she continued blocking protecting herself and the pair of siblings.

Minho POV
Malia and I ran into the maze. I showed her the way Thomas would go until she picked up the scent running faster. I picked up my speed following her. We found him lying on the ground. "Thomas!!" I said running forward. He looked up watching us approach.

"What happened?" Malia asked.

Thomas sighed before sitting up slowly.

"Woah hold on a minute shank is that blood," I said looking at the front of his shirt.
Thomas sighed but lifted his shirt showing us some claw marks right where he was shot before. His scar had opened up causing more blood to all than just from the scratch marks.

"There aren't just grievers in here this time, they're experimenting with wolves," He said.

"Come on let's get you outta here," Malia said, putting one of his arms over her shoulder standing slowly with him. He grunted and blood poured faster now.

"Minho I don't feel so..." He started but got cut off when he slumped against my shoulder, his lead lolling forwards.

"Shuck," I said, picking up the pace. "Come on, the doors will be open again in 10 minutes and we have to be ready to go through.

We made it to the doors in like 8 minutes. Thomas had left a trail of blood along the way.

"Come on shank just a few more minutes and then we can bandage you up then lock you in the shuck pit so nothing else happens" I mumbled. Before Malia could respond the doors rumbled open. The sliding of stone on stone caused Malia to drop Thomas's arm to grip her ears.

I stumbled a little under the extra weight. Even with the added weight, I darted forward into the glade. Malia helped Thomas once the doors had stopped making noise. Newt, Derek, and Aiden met us at the doors. Derek and Aiden took Thomas out of our arms carrying him into the homestead with ease.

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