Chapter 10

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Newt POV
We were shocked to hear the alarm for the box. We had been sent up with supplies and it had only been a day. All three of us got off our makeshift beds on the floor running for the box. The top had begun to open. Then there were the creaking sounds of the metal coming to a quick stop. 

I jumped inside where three people were laying. 

"Who is it Newt," Minho asked as the two came closer to the edge of the box.
I lean in getting a closer look at the three people that were asleep and wet. I saw three familiar faces. 

"They bloody sent it to the pack. It's Aiden, Derek, and Malia" I said, starting to get mad. We heard the sound of stone on a stone looking to the doors of the maze.
"Thomas, you know the maze better than anyone. You made the shuck thing for crying out loud. Find a way out. I'll be in there the next time those doors open for the 3 minute period," Minho said. 

Tommy nodded, taking off for the doors at full speed. Luckily there wasn't a griever there this time. The doors had begun to close by the time Timmy made it. He pulled another one of his death-defying stunts slipping through the doors right before they closed completely. I looked at Minho sighing.

"Crazy shank" Minho muttered before jumping down and helping me haul the three supernatural beings out of the box. Starting with Malia. I got outside the box as Minho handed her up, mindful of where his hands were placed. She wasn't too hard to bring up. Derek was next. He was heavier than Malia making it more of a struggle, but the two of us managed. Aiden was the hardest one. He was the biggest of the three. Somehow me and Minho managed to get all three out and into the non destroyed part of the homestead. 

Minho and I made eye contact before looking at the doors.

"How do you think he's doing?" I asked.

Minho sighed, "I don't know he's smart but he's a reckless shank when it comes to saving his friends I don't doubt that he can handle this though" 

I nodded turning back to our awakening guests. 

Malia was the first one to become fully aware of the situation. I smiled at her as she made eye contact with us. 

"We're in the maze aren't we?" She asked. Minho nodded causing the girl to groan.
She looked around then. She was sniffing while also searching without moving. "Where Stiles" She asked. 

"In there" I said motioning to the maze. 

The two boys groaned from their spots on the ground. 

"Welcome back to the world of the living" Minho said, earning an eye roll from everyone.
The boys stood up and so did Malia. We decided we should get some work done before the doors opened and Thomas came back. Minho said he would go look and see what was salvageable from the map room. I nodded turning to the other two boys in the homestead. 

"You two can be our builders'' I said pointing to left over and new building supplies. There were a few grumbles but they got to work following my orders. They started by working to fix the Homestead. Malia and I went to scout around and see if anything useful had been dropped in the field when the grievers attacked the first time. Malia froze in her spot after we had found some of our gardening tools. 

"what " I asked her. SHe held up her finger listening to something closely. 

"It's Stiles I think he's in trouble," she said. 

    "MINHO" I yelled, running away dropping all of the supplies I had found earlier. "THE DOORS GET TO THE DOORS BE READY" I yelled. Minho came out of the shack. 

He had a confused look on his face but nodded jogging towards the door. Malia took off to go with him. The doors opened for the second time and final time that day when the pair got to them. They made eye contact nodding at each other then took off into the maze. 

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