Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Stiles POV
I woke up gasping for breath. I was back in the elevator, but I wasn't alone this time. Newt and Minho were with me. The elevator was exactly how I remembered it. Moving quickly up and full of supplies. I looked down seeing I was in the same blue shirt I had the first time in the maze.
Newt and Minho were gasping beside me. I was so confused, I thought they were hooking us up to something to do with our minds. 

"Not again" I heard Minho say as he groaned. 

I and Newt shot him a confused look. "They did this to me the first time they captured me" He explained. I nodded in response to his answer. 

After what felt like 20 minutes the elevator finally came to an abrupt stop that threw the three of us to the floor. The top of the elevator began to fill with sunlight blinding us just like the first time. 

I jumped up sitting on the ledge as Minho and Newt did the same. We looked out at the glade. The sun was in the middle of the sky showing it was about noon. The grass was green and bright then My attention turned to the runners' shack. That was still standing. No one had been in there because non-runners weren't allowed in. My attention turned to the big house where the medical wing was on the top floor and Meetings took place on the first floor.

The building had holes from the grievers, and parts of the walls were completely smashed. The gardens were trampled and all of the irrigation systems torn out of the ground. The fire pit was still smoking as we had just left even though it had been months. Pretty much everything was destroyed and unusable. We got up from our spots on the elevator and began to look closer at everything. 

"We can't stay here if the grievers come back and we're out in the open..." Newt trailed off.
"Newt we're not actually here this is in our heads the place could change at any moment it's meant to get our adrenaline running" Minho explained. As soon as he said that a screech was heard from inside the maze. The grievers were coming. The three boys ran into the woods hoping to find some sort of cover. 

Minho was in the lead running quickly as he stumbled over so tree roots. Grievers were coming from three directions; the only way they could go was into the west side of the maze. We darted into the maze making quick turns and sprinting as fast as we could down the long hallways.
Somehow the grievers cornered us against a wall. They approached us. I felt one of the tails grasp my leg. I screamed as I was lifted off the ground and turned upside down. 

"TOMMY '' Newt screamed, grabbing my hand. Minho helped but it did nothing. I was stuck in the claws of a griever, Minho was grabbed after he slipped a little trying to pull me down. He tried to struggle but it was useless. Newt was grabbed shortly after that. The griever holding me. Moved so we were face to face and he let out a large screech. 

The next thing I know I was strapped into some Machine. I tried to move my arms but failed. I saw Minho wake up as well. Oh no that means Newt was in The hallucination by himself. I listened as he screamed trying to figure out where we went and how he ended up alone. Eventually, he too was brought out of the hallucination. Ratman walked into the room smirking at me. 

"Well, you three just gave me a brilliant idea why don't we store you in the maze so even when your friends find where we are they can't get to you," He said with a wicked grin on his face.
"Get them prepped and sent back into stage one"

Liam POV
Scott had come up with a really stupid plan to figure out who was working with Ratman (At least that's what Aris called him). Scott would have Kira shock him until he was pretty much dead. The only way to bring him back was to have Kira shock him again. 

Argent had given us cameras so that we could see all that was happening in the hospital. We had contacted the benefactor saying that Scott was dead and visual confirmation was not possible and that if we didn't get paid then we were going after them. 

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