Chapter 1

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Thomas POV

I watched as the building fell from the edge of the berg. There was still chaos around the city but my friends and I were high above it. I felt myself slowly become weaker as I lost more blood from my gunshot wound. I was rolled over as gently as possible by Brenda and Teresa. I looked around at all of my friends. Teresa grabbed my hand trying to comfort me. Newt was helping Gally to wrap gauze around my stomach. Vince was at my head his hands trying to comfort me. Minho was next to Vince talking to me trying to keep me awake.  His efforts were in vain as the black crept its way into the edged of my vision. 

I heard people screaming at me but it all soon became distant as everything faded and I was overcome by darkness. 

{5 days later}

I was woken up to light hitting my face. I could hear birds chirping outside. I groaned and opened my eyes. I looked around confused trying to figure out where I was. I sat up slowly feeling pain in my abdomen. I put a hand to my stomach as I slowly sat up. I started to remember what happened. The WCKD compound, Teresa being on our side the whole time, Janson chasing us, pulling Teresa away from the gunshots, being hit with one of the said shots, both of us getting on the berg,  then finally watching the compound fall and passing out.  I carefully got to my feet standing shakily. Once my footing was solid enough for me not to fall I made my way out the door. 

Outside I noticed we were on the beach. I looked around confused before continuing on. As I was walking I realized where we were; we made it we were in the Safe Haven. I walked along the path feeling the breeze hit my face. I saw Vince working in a field. He looked up and watched me as I passed by. I saw a bunch of kids walk by me. They all looked so happy. Some were even smiling at me. I shrugged off all the appreciative looks and searched for my friends in the crowd.

Minho and Newt sat together helping Frypan with the food for later that night. Aris was a little ways away from them with Gally and Teresa, they were talking and smiling. Minho and Newt saw me first. They jumped up from their spots walking quickly towards me. Behind them were Jorge, Brenda, Aris, Teresa, and Gally.

Once the group made it to where I was we looked at each other. They rushed in for a hug. Newt whispered to me then "We made it" He said with a smile. I smiled back at him and let go of the two of them before being almost tackled to the ground by Aris. I winced a little as I felt more pain in my side but I held onto him. Even though it hurt I really didn't want to let go.  Newt put his hand on Aris's shoulder as the rest of the group watched.

"Careful hermano don't want anything to reopen," Jorge said to Aris. Aris nodded and let me go.   Brenda hugged me, then Jorge, and Gally settled for a pat on the back. Teresa was the last one to hug me. She pulled me in gently and held me close to her. 

"I thought I lost you" She whispered sounding like she was on the verge of tears. 

"I'm not going anywhere" I smiled looking at her and the rest looked at us with tears in their eyes, well except for Minho because he's way too tough to cry.

We had a bonfire that night in celebration of making it to the safe haven, in honor of all those we had lost, and for me because I survived a near-death experience. I insisted they not make a big deal of me. I didn't want to take away the focus from those who had died this wasn't about me. I was told off real quick for that one though with my friends saying me waking up is too important to just brush off. 

"Thomas without you none of us would be standing here right now," Vince said putting a hand on my shoulder trying to convince me that tonight should be about well me as well as those who had lost their lives. I gave in with a sigh knowing none of them would be changing their minds any time soon. 

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