Chapter 15

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Derek POV
Kate dragged us farther into the maze we stopped when we hit big metal panels that looked like they could change direction. She had knocked Stiles out when he groaned in pain as the Berserkers dragged him away. Newt had to be restrained by two more berserkers because he kept fighting them. I was being led along with a claw resting on my back.
Kate smirked at me every once in a while. Eventually, she stopped just down the hallway past the panels. 

"The griever hole," Newt said. 

He had finally stopped struggling and was limping along next to me. 

"Ah looks like the crippled finally figured out where we were going." Kate said, mocking him.
Newt went to lunge for her but I caught him by the wrist. "Don't you can't heal and one of us is already injured so think about it" I whispered. Newt sighed nodding.

"Fine," he replied, going back and walking beside me. 

The Berserkers tied us down at the edge of the hallway. Stiles had groaned waking up; it didn't help much even if he was awake; him being hurt was not a good thing for anybody. 
Kate sat by the edge of the tunnel messing with the wall. 

"How do I open it?" She yelled. She got no response. I didn't know but Newt and Stiles kept their mouths shut. 

Kate stormed back over to us claws out. She put her claws to Stiles's neck digging them in slightly. she smirked when all of us tensed. "Now I'm gonna ask you again," She said looking at Newt "How does that Fuck open?" She yelled. 

I watched as Stiles shook his head at Newt telling him not to say anything. 

Newt watched too he had tears ready to start streaming down his face before he answered. "Tommy I have to tell her. We've lost too many gladers in this bloody place" Stiles sighed before nodding.

"It's a sequence you put the numbers in and the door opens up happily," Newt told Kate. Kate smirked, throwing Stiles down. He landed between me and Newt. He groaned as he hit the ground not having his arms to stop his face. 

I watched as Kate practically skipped back to the control panel for the door. She put into the numbers one through eight in numerical order. I watched as the numbers lit up red and a loud beep sounded.
I smirked when she growled in frustration. I knew it would be a while before she swallowed her pride and tried to ask us what the sequence actually was. I went to move when the berserker punched me. I landed hard on my side as it attacked. I felt the claw enter my side deep. My wolf healing still wasn't working so I knew it wasn't good. Stiles gasped.

"DEREK" Newt yelled. I grunted as the Berserker threw me back into the wall and walked away. 

Somehow in the fight, my hands had been freed. I used them to cut the rope on STiles and then Newt. Then I put pressure on the entry wound. Newt crawled over and moved my hands, putting his own and adding more pressure than I could. 

Kate stormed back over grabbing Stiles by the ear and dragging him back to the control panel.
"Sequence now" She screamed. 

Stiles tried to play it off like he didn't know. He put in a wrong sequence as Kate clawed his chest again. He grunted in pain gritting his teeth. 

"Cut the shit. I know you made this place, I know you ran it, and I know you helped get those idiots out" She growled.

As Stiles raised his hand to put in another sequence a howl sounded. Then two others answered. I used the last of my breath to let out my own. I  know the pack heard me but I also knew they wouldn't make it here in time to beat Kate and save me. 

"Hold on Derek I'm not going to let you die" Newt said. I looked at him confused. 

"Why do we barely know each other?" I said. 

"That's true but you saved my brother, you gave him a place to belong after I got taken. Take this as a thank you for taking care of my older brother" He explained. 

I nodded as my eyes started to close. "Newt go help them, I'll hang on I promise" He hesitated before nodding and walking over to where Stiles was taking his time putting in the sequence then it all went dark.

Minho POV
I led the group through the panels as they howled. Well the wolves did, me and Fry just ran. I saw Thomas and Newt standing near the door of the griever hole. They were taking their time putting in the sequence messing it up on purpose. I saw the blonde shank getting more and more frustrated as time went on. She clawed Thomas again on the back this time. He fell to his knees. 

I picked up the pace. No way was this shuck face going to do that and get away with it.
I heard another howl but this one sounded different. It sounded like one of pain. I saw Isaac pick up his pace getting to the edge of the hallway before anybody else. 

He slid on his knees next to a figure that was slumped over on the ground. Derek.
'Derek wake up, 'he yelled. It didn't work. I could tell even from here that he was dead. 

A Berserker came at Isaac. I ran forward dropping my shoulder and barreling into it. I knocked it slightly off course but I did manage to bring its attention onto me. I saw Aiden and malia plow into the creature. Aiden managed to knock him down and get on top of it before the creature got the upper hand pinning him down and snarling. 

I back away from the one that was trying to corner me. I hit the wall as someone else slammed into it from the side and shots rang out. I looked up seeing Scottt was the one to tackle the Berserker. Aris, Gally Sonya, Harriet, and Vince stood behind him, weapons raised ready to be fired again.

The others in the pack had their spirits lifted by the help from the rest of us. Ethan went over to Aiden the two of them fighting strong together as they always did. Aris smirked at me before running off leading a berserker away from the fight where Harriet and Sonya were waiting. Brenda and Jorge were firing weapons back to back Jorge laughing like a maniac as usual.
Liam ran over to help Malia. Malia had shifted into a coyote using her jaws as a weapon. I saw Kira by Scott. She had two swords in her hands. She made eye contact with me nodding. After she nodded she tossed the sword. The sword tumbled in the air. I caught the spinning blade with ease. I spun it around getting used to the feeling of a sword instead of a spear. 

The familiarity of a sword came back almost instantly. I swung the sword around knocking pieces of the Berserker's armor off. It roared in anger until I knocked off the skull over its face. The creature turned into dust. 

"GUYS GET THE SKULL OFF" I yelled running over to Newt and Thomas. I saw Gally nod at me as he fired his weapon. I finally made it over to where my friends were. Newt had to support Thomas now as he kept losing blood. The She demon clawed him again and again when they put in the wrong sequence. I used the sword to slash her arm. She growled, turning to look at me. I blocked all her attacks with the sword as Newt lowered Thomas down and grabbed a spear. Kate just wouldn't go down. She kept coming at us. 

As I was lining up for an attack of my own a black wolf jumped on top of her. It attacked her, biting her abdomen. She screamed as the wolf stood in front of the three of us growling. Kate backed away using her hands.

The wolf stalked forward. Kate stood up holding her stomach as she ran off. Leaving all of us behind. She looked back once as the wolf began changing form. The fur changed into skin and four legs turned into two soon the one and only Derek Hale stood in front of us. Isaac ran past holding a cut on his leg as a berserker followed. Derek stepped in front of it flashing his eyes as he grabbed it by the animal skull on its face. 

I fell back into Thomas and Newt sending the three of us to the floor. Thomas groaned as Newt shoved me off. The light grew brighter. Soon the berserker crumbled to dust. Derek ran off going to help the other fight as a familiar screech sounded through the maze.

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